President Biden will make a short trip to Bethesda on Thursday to announce that dozens of pharmaceutical companies will be required to pay rebates to Medicare because they raised… Biden will travel to Bethesda for a short announcement that dozens pharmaceutical companies will have to pay rebates because they raised…
On Thursday, President Biden will visit the National Institutes of Health in Maryland to make remarks about how a crucial piece of legislation is reducing the cost of prescription medications. Biden will travel just a little distance to Bethesda to make the announcement that numerous medical firms will be required to give Medicare rebates because they raised… On Thursday, President Biden will visit the National Institutes of Health in Maryland to make remarks about how a crucial piece of legislation is reducing the cost of prescription medications. Biden will travel to Bethesda quickly to declare that numerous pharmaceutical firms will be required to give Medicare rebates as a resultof…
President Biden will make a short trip to Bethesda on Thursday to announce that dozens of pharmaceutical companies will be required to pay rebates to Medicare because they raised… Biden will travel to Bethesda for a short announcement that dozens pharmaceutical companies will have to pay rebates because they raised…