Former New Jersey Governor and Republican presidential candidate. Chris Christie has criticized the recent decision that removed former President Trump from the Maine primary ballot due to the 14th Amendment. Christie said Friday that “[I]t turns him into a martyr.” “You know, you can always find him complaining about how ‘poor me, poor me’ he is. The poor billionaire…
Republican candidate for president and former governor of New Jersey Chris Christie criticized the 14th Amendment’s decision to remove previous President Trump from the Maine primary. Christie said on CNN on Friday,” It makes him a martyr.” He’s very good at playing” Pover me, poor me,” you know, and he always complains. The hapless billionaire Republican candidate for president and former governor of New Jersey Chris Christie criticized the 14th Amendment’s latest decision to remove former President Trump from the Maine primary ballot. Christie said on CNN on Friday,” It makes him a martyr.” He’s very good at playing” Pover me, poor me,” and he never stops whining. The unfortunate billionaire
Former New Jersey Governor and Republican presidential candidate. Chris Christie has criticized the recent decision that removed former President Trump from the Maine primary ballot due to the 14th Amendment. Christie said Friday that “[I]t turns him into a martyr.” “You know, you can always find him complaining about how ‘poor me, poor me’ he is. The poor billionaire…