Jena Griswold, Colorado Secretary of State (D), said that she received death threats after the lawsuit was filed in Colorado. This lawsuit led to the ex-President Trump being removed from the ballot in Colorado. “Within three week of the lawsuit being lodged, I received 64 threats. I stopped counting…
Jena Griswold, the secretary of state for Colorado, claimed that she was threatened with death as a result of the lawsuit that was filed in her state and ultimately resulted in the expulsion of former President Trump from office. ” I received 64 death threats within three weeks of the lawsuit being filed. I ceased keeping track. Jena Griswold, the secretary of state for Colorado, claimed that after filing a lawsuit in her state that ultimately resulted in past President Trump being removed from the election ballot, she was threatened with death. ” I received 64 death threats within three weeks of filing the lawsuit.” I ceased counting.
Jena Griswold, Colorado Secretary of State (D), said that she received death threats after the lawsuit was filed in Colorado. This lawsuit led to the ex-President Trump being removed from the ballot in Colorado. “Within three week of the lawsuit being lodged, I received 64 threats. I stopped counting…