Ron DeSantis, the GOP presidential candidate, jumped on rumors that Nikki Haley might be asked to join the ticket of former President Trump in 2024. He wanted Haley to make a quick decision. “There’s a good reason why they spend so much money against me.” Haley and Trump spent money against me,” DeSantis said, the governor of…
Ron DeSantis, a candidate for the GOP presidency, speculated on rumors that foe Nikki Haley might be asked to run for president in 2024, prompting the former governor of South Carolina to decide right away. There is a justification for why they use money against me. DeSantis, the governor of… says,” Haley and Trump spend money against me.” Ron DeSantis, a candidate for the GOP presidency, speculated on rumors that foe Nikki Haley might be asked to run for president in 2024, prompting the former governor of South Carolina to decide right away. There is a justification for why they use money against me. DeSantis, the governor of… says,” Haley and Trump spend money against me.
Ron DeSantis, the GOP presidential candidate, jumped on rumors that Nikki Haley might be asked to join the ticket of former President Trump in 2024. He wanted Haley to make a quick decision. “There’s a good reason why they spend so much money against me.” Haley and Trump spent money against me,” DeSantis said, the governor of…