Nikki Haley, Republican presidential candidate, avoided a question about the high-profile Texas abortion case. In that case, a woman’s doctor denied her an abortion she deemed medically necessary. Haley refused to criticize the Texas Supreme Court in the interview with ABC News’ “This Week” when it diverged from the lower courts and denied…
A question regarding the well-publicized abortion case in Texas, in which a woman was denied an abortion despite her doctor’s determination that it was medically important, was sidestepped by Democratic political candidate Nikki Haley. The Texas Supreme Court, which differed from the lower court in denying…, was never criticized by Haley in the interview on ABC News ‘” This Week.” Democratic presidential candidate Nikki Haley dodged a question regarding the well-publicized abortion case in Texas, in which the woman’s doctor denied her an abortion because it was deemed to be medically necessary. The Texas Supreme Court, which differed from the lower court in denying…, was never criticized by Haley in the interview on ABC News ‘” This Week.”
Nikki Haley, Republican presidential candidate, avoided a question about the high-profile Texas abortion case. In that case, a woman’s doctor denied her an abortion she deemed medically necessary. Haley refused to criticize the Texas Supreme Court in the interview with ABC News’ “This Week” when it diverged from the lower courts and denied…