The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), in light of a recent ruling, expects to propose a new rule allowing a common pesticide to be put back on the market. The EPA banned use of the pesticide called chlorpyrifos in 2021 but…
The Environmental Protection Agency ( EPA ) anticipates putting a rule on the market for many of the pesticide’s most widely used applications in light of an earlier court decision that has been linked to developmental delays in children. Chlorpyrifos, a pesticide, was outlawed by the EPA in 2021, but… The Environmental Protection Agency ( EPA ) anticipates putting a rule on the table that would allow the sale of dangling pesticides that have been linked to developmental delays in children to return to the market for many of its most popular uses in light of the most recent court decision. In 2021, the EPA outlawed the use of the pesticide chlorpyrifos, but…
The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), in light of a recent ruling, expects to propose a new rule allowing a common pesticide to be put back on the market. The EPA banned use of the pesticide called chlorpyrifos in 2021 but…