A New Jersey man thought it would be a good idea to throw a party for the self-checkout at Walmart. The event description on Facebook reveals that he was motivated by cynicism and anger. It reads: “celebrating another successful year of picking up, paying for, and bagging your groceries while actual employees […]
The post A man joked about throwing a Walmart Christmas Party, and thousands RSVPed. So He Made It a Toy Drive first appeared on Good News Network.
A man from New Jersey had the more unusual idea to throw a party at the self-checkout counter at Walmart. His motivation can be seen in the Facebook event description, which reads “celebrating another productive year of picking, paying, and bagging your personal groceries while actual employees,” which may have been motivated by rage and cynicism.
Thousands of people RSVPed for the post Man Joked About Throwing a Walmart Christmas Party. The first episode of But He Made It a Toy Drive was broadcast on Good News Network.