Meta announced on Wednesday that it will be rolling out end-to-end encrypted calls and messages by default for all Facebook Messenger users. Loredana Crisan said in a blog that while users have been able to activate end-to-end encrypted calls and chats since 2016, this feature will now be applied automatically to all private chats.
The company announced on Wednesday that Meta is implementing default end-to-end encryption for all calls and messages on Facebook Messenger. The feature will then immediately apply to all personal chats and calls, according to Loredana Crisan, the head of Messenger, who stated in a blog that users have had the option to enable end-to-end encryption since 2016. Facebook Messenger’s default end-to-end encryption is being implemented, the company announced on Wednesday. The feature will then automatically apply to all personal chats and calls, according to Loredana Crisan, the head of Messenger, who stated in a blog that users have had the option to turn on end-to-end encryption since 2016.
Meta announced on Wednesday that it will be rolling out end-to-end encrypted calls and messages by default for all Facebook Messenger users. Loredana Crisan said in a blog that while users have been able to activate end-to-end encrypted calls and chats since 2016, this feature will now be applied automatically to all private chats.