The Republican conference was further divided this week by the exclusion of the measure that would have extended compensation to people exposed to radiation during U.S. nuclear tests. The bipartisan amendment passed by the Senate in August with a supermajority but was not included…
Another rift in the Republican conference was created this week when a proposal to increase compensation for those exposed to radiation from U.S. atomic testing was omitted from the yearly defense bill. The National Defense Authorization Act ( NDAA ) bipartisan amendment was approved by the Senate with a supermajority in August but was not partof… Another rift in the Republican conference was created this week when a proposal to increase compensation for those exposed to radiation from U.S. atomic testing was omitted from the yearly defense bill. The National Defense Authorization Act’s bipartisan amendment ( NDAA ) was approved by the Senate with a supermajority in August but was not…
The Republican conference was further divided this week by the exclusion of the measure that would have extended compensation to people exposed to radiation during U.S. nuclear tests. The bipartisan amendment passed by the Senate in August with a supermajority but was not included…