Progress on border talks has slowed down as Democratic negotiators are under pressure from progressives, immigration activists and other groups. This could complicate the passage of aid to Ukraine in the coming months. Negotiators returned to work after the Thanksgiving holiday on a positive note, indicating they had made significant progress on asylum and…
Democrat negotiators have come under severe pressure from progressives and immigration activists, which has slowed down progress on border negotiations and made it more difficult for Ukraine to receive aid in the upcoming weeks. After the Thanksgiving break, negotiators came back with a positive attitude, indicating that changes to the asylum and… As Democrat negotiators have come under intense pressure from progressives and immigration activists, progress on border talks has slowed down, complicating any potential passage of aid for Ukraine in the upcoming weeks. After the Thanksgiving break, negotiators came back with a positive attitude, indicating that changes to the asylum and…
Progress on border talks has slowed down as Democratic negotiators are under pressure from progressives, immigration activists and other groups. This could complicate the passage of aid to Ukraine in the coming months. Negotiators returned to work after the Thanksgiving holiday on a positive note, indicating they had made significant progress on asylum and…