According to a recent study, severe morning sickness during pregnancy is likely caused by a specific hormone. The scientific journal Nature published its findings on Thursday. It found that nausea and vomit, which are common symptoms during the early stages of pregnancy, were primarily caused by GDF15, a hormone produced in the fetal…
According to a recent study, one particular hormone is probably responsible for serious morning sickness symptoms during pregnancy. The medical journal Nature, which released its findings on Wednesday, discovered that the GDF15 hormone—which is produced in fetal—is largely responsible for nausea and vomiting, typical symptoms during the second trimester of a pregnancy. According to a recent study, significant morning sickness symptoms during pregnancy are probably connected to one particular hormone. The GDF15 hormone, which is produced in fetal…, is largely to blame for nausea and vomiting, two typical symptoms of a pregnancy’s first trimester, according to the medical journal Nature, whose findings were published on Wednesday.
According to a recent study, severe morning sickness during pregnancy is likely caused by a specific hormone. The scientific journal Nature published its findings on Thursday. It found that nausea and vomit, which are common symptoms during the early stages of pregnancy, were primarily caused by GDF15, a hormone produced in the fetal…