The current crisis along the southern border is likely to be the main focus of Sunday news shows this week. A migrant caravan reportedly consisting of at least 6,000 migrants left a southern Mexican city earlier this week and headed toward the U.S. The Biden administration is attempting to increase pressure on Andres Manuel López, the Mexican President.
The southwestern border crisis will probably be the main topic of this week’s Sunday newscasts. The Biden administration is attempting to put pressure on the Mexican President, Andrés Manuel López. A migrant caravan of apparently at least 6, 000 people left a city in southern Mexico earlier this week on its way to the United States. The southwestern border crisis will probably be the main topic of this week’s Sunday newscasts. The Biden administration is attempting to put pressure on Andrés Manuel López, the president of Mexico, after a migrant caravan of at least 6,000 people officially departed this week and headed for the United States.
The current crisis along the southern border is likely to be the main focus of Sunday news shows this week. A migrant caravan reportedly consisting of at least 6,000 migrants left a southern Mexican city earlier this week and headed toward the U.S. The Biden administration is attempting to increase pressure on Andres Manuel López, the Mexican President.