At a campaign event held in Iowa on March 13, the former president Trump talked about a recent cognitive and physical exam he had taken. The former president said, “I passed a physical with flying colours.” “I took a cognitive test.” I said, “Doctor, I’ll take anything you want.” The former…
At a campaign event on Wednesday in Iowa, previous President Trump discussed recently taking an exam for his physical and mental health. The former president declared,” I took a natural and I passed with flying colors.” I also took a mental test. ” Doctor, give me anything you want; I want to take it,” I commanded. the first… At a campaign event in Iowa on Wednesday, former President Trump talked about taking the most recent physical and mental exam. The former president declared,” I took a real, and I passed with flying colors.” I also took a mental test. Give me anything you want, Doctor; I want to take it, I said. the first…
At a campaign event held in Iowa on March 13, the former president Trump talked about a recent cognitive and physical exam he had taken. The former president said, “I passed a physical with flying colours.” “I took a cognitive test.” I said, “Doctor, I’ll take anything you want.” The former…