We must remember how our Framers created our government. We should be willing to select, work for, and vote on candidates who can put the country before themselves. Candidates who embody and remember the give-and-take that took place in Philadelphia, 1787.
We must keep in mind the methods used by the Framers to establish our government and be prepared to support the choice of, work to elect, and vote for candidates who are worthy of putting the nation before itself. candidates who are able to recall and embody the exchange that occurred in Philadelphia in 1787. We must keep in mind the methods used by the Framers to establish our government and be prepared to support the choice of, work to elect, and vote for candidates who are worthy of putting the nation before itself. candidates who can recall and embody the 1787 Philadelphia give-and-take.
We must remember how our Framers created our government. We should be willing to select, work for, and vote on candidates who can put the country before themselves. Candidates who embody and remember the give-and-take that took place in Philadelphia, 1787.