Claudine Gay, the Harvard president who resigned Tuesday amid multiple scandals, set a record as the shortest-lived president at the storied institution. She was appointed in July, but only saw a brief period peace before October brought a number of controversies which ultimately cost her job. These included accusations of plagiarism and fallout from…
In the midst of numerous scandals, Harvard President Claudine Gay announced her resignation on Tuesday, breaking a record for the institution’s shortest tenure as president. Before October brought numerous controversies that ultimately cost her the job, including accusations of plagiarism and the fallout from…, she was just appointed back in July and experienced a brief period of peace. In the midst of numerous scandals, Harvard President Claudine Gay resigned on Tuesday, breaking a record for the briefest tenure as president at the esteemed institution. She was rehired in July, and there was only a small period of calm before numerous controversies—including accusations of plagiarism and the fallout from …—came to light in October.
Claudine Gay, the Harvard president who resigned Tuesday amid multiple scandals, set a record as the shortest-lived president at the storied institution. She was appointed in July, but only saw a brief period peace before October brought a number of controversies which ultimately cost her job. These included accusations of plagiarism and fallout from…