West Des Moines, IA — Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis (R), during an event held at his Iowa campaign headquarters, accused Senate Republicans of “caving in” on efforts to secure border deal. “I’m tired of Republicans. You see what they’re currently doing in Washington, with the senators working on some border agreement which is basically…
Florida Governor West Des Moines, Iowa During an event on Saturday at his Iowa campaign headquarters, Ron DeSantis ( R ) accused Senate Republicans of” caving” in their efforts to secure a border deal. ” I’m sick of Republicans, you see what they’re doing in Washington right now with the senators signing some sort of border agreement, which is generally… Florida Governor West Des Moines, Iowa During an event on Saturday at his Iowa campaign headquarters, Ron DeSantis ( R ) accused Senate Republicans of” caving” in their efforts to secure a border deal. ” I’m tired of Republicans; you see what they’re doing in Washington right now, with the senators essentially working on a border agreement…
West Des Moines, IA — Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis (R), during an event held at his Iowa campaign headquarters, accused Senate Republicans of “caving in” on efforts to secure border deal. “I’m tired of Republicans. You see what they’re currently doing in Washington, with the senators working on some border agreement which is basically…