Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis claimed in a post-debate article that former U.N. Ambassador Nikki Haley had “lost her sanity” on stage during the debate. DeSantis said to CNN’s Anderson Cooper that Haley “lost her cool” during the fifth GOP debate. “She’s…
Governor of Florida Previous U.N. ambassador Nikki Haley “lost her cool” on stage on Wednesday night, according to Ron DeSantis in a post-debating interview. After the second GOP debate, DeSantis said to CNN’s Anderson Cooper,” I think part of the fallout from the debate tonight is… I think she lost her cool.” He was referring to Haley. ” She’s… Florida’s governor Previous U.N. ambassador Nikki Haley “lost her cool” on stage on Wednesday night, according to Ron DeSantis in a post-debating interview. After the second GOP debate, DeSantis referred to Haley and said,” I think part of the fallout from the debate now is… I think she lost her cool.” ” She’s…”
Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis claimed in a post-debate article that former U.N. Ambassador Nikki Haley had “lost her sanity” on stage during the debate. DeSantis said to CNN’s Anderson Cooper that Haley “lost her cool” during the fifth GOP debate. “She’s…