Ron DeSantis, Republican presidential candidate, sent a message to New Hampshire’s voters ahead of the primary on Tuesday that he would bring “Live Free or Die”, if elected as president. The Florida Governor wrote an op/ed in the NH Journal Friday, in which he praised Granite State’s motto and compared it to leadership.
Before the primary on Tuesday, Republican presidential candidate Ron DeSantis sent a message to New Hampshire voters saying that if elected president, he will uphold the” Live Free or Die” motto. The Florida Governor praised the Granite State’s motto and compared it to the leadership in an op-ed published on Friday in the NH Journal. Before the primary on Tuesday, Democratic presidential candidate Ron DeSantis sent a message to New Hampshire voters saying that if elected, he would live by the motto” Live Free or Die.” The Florida Governor praised the Granite State’s motto and compared it to the leadership in an op-ed published on Friday in the NH Journal.
Ron DeSantis, Republican presidential candidate, sent a message to New Hampshire’s voters ahead of the primary on Tuesday that he would bring “Live Free or Die”, if elected as president. The Florida Governor wrote an op/ed in the NH Journal Friday, in which he praised Granite State’s motto and compared it to leadership.