The suit, brought by the state of Texas in 2022, argues that the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) cannot cite the Emergency Medical Treatment and Active… The lawsuit, filed by the state of Texas 2022, argues the Department of Health and Human Services cannot cite the Emergency Medical Treatment and Active…
According to a federal appeals court’s ruling on Tuesday, state law prohibits the Biden administration from enforcing federal regulations requiring doctors to perform abortions in health emergencies. The lawsuit, which Texas filed in 2022, contends that the Emergency Medical Treatment and Active… cannot be cited by the Department of Health and Human Services ( HHS). No matter state law, a federal appeals court ruled on Tuesday that the Biden administration cannot enforce governmental regulations directing doctors to perform abortions in health emergencies. The lawsuit, which Texas filed in 2022, contends that the Department of Health and Human Services ( HHS) is not permitted to cite the Emergency Medical Treatment and Active…
The suit, brought by the state of Texas in 2022, argues that the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) cannot cite the Emergency Medical Treatment and Active… The lawsuit, filed by the state of Texas 2022, argues the Department of Health and Human Services cannot cite the Emergency Medical Treatment and Active…