DES MOINES (Iowa)–Florida Governor. Ron DeSantis and former U.N. Nikki Haley, the ambassador to the United States, took the stage for a debate here less than one week before Iowans will choose their candidate in the GOP primaries. The tone of the debate was immediately negative. Haley and DeSantis launched attacks at each other right from the beginning. DeSantis tried to paint…
Iowa’s DES MOINES—Florida Governor Less than a week before Iowa caucus voters will choose their favorite candidate for the GOP primary, Ron DeSantis ( R ) and former U.N. Ambassador Nikki Haley entered the debate stage here. Haley and DeSantis launched sarcastic attacks at one another at the beginning of the debate, which had a decidedly adverse tone. DeSantis made an effort to paint. Iowa’s DES MOINES—Florida Governor Less than a week before Iowans will choose their favorite candidate for the GOP primary, Ron DeSantis ( R ) and former U.N. Ambassador Nikki Haley entered the debate stage here. The debate quickly took a bad turn, with Haley and DeSantis starting off with sarcastic jabs at one another. DeSantis made an effort to paint.
DES MOINES (Iowa)–Florida Governor. Ron DeSantis and former U.N. Nikki Haley, the ambassador to the United States, took the stage for a debate here less than one week before Iowans will choose their candidate in the GOP primaries. The tone of the debate was immediately negative. Haley and DeSantis launched attacks at each other right from the beginning. DeSantis tried to paint…