Nikki Haley, former U.N. Ambassador, brushed off her Wednesday quip that the New Hampshire primary votes would “correct” results of the Iowa Caucuses. “We’ve done more than 150 town halls. You have to have fun too.” We’re cutting ‘…
Nikki Haley, a former U.N. ambassador, dismissed her remark on Wednesday that the Iowa caucuses ‘ results would be” corrected” by the New Hampshire primary voters. We’ve completed 150+ town halls, so you should also have fun. We had 700 attendees in New Hampshire, and now we’re cutting down at this town hall. Nikki Haley, a former U.N. ambassador, laughed off Wednesday’s remark that the New Hampshire primary voters would” correct” the Iowa caucus results. We have completed 150+ town halls, so you need to have some fun as well. We had 700 people in New Hampshire when we were at this town hall, and now we’re cutting…
Nikki Haley, former U.N. Ambassador, brushed off her Wednesday quip that the New Hampshire primary votes would “correct” results of the Iowa Caucuses. “We’ve done more than 150 town halls. You have to have fun too.” We’re cutting ‘…