Ron DeSantis and Nikki Haley are running out time to catch the former President Trump in GOP primary. Both candidates are far behind Trump in national and swing state polls. The next few weeks could be crucial for them. Haley is a former South Carolina Governor and U.S. Ambassador to…
Time is of the essence for Ron DeSantis and Nikki Haley to defeat past president Trump in the GOP primary. Both GOP political candidates, who each trail Trump by a large margin in swiveling state and national polls, will face crucial challenges in the coming weeks. Haley, a previous governor of South Carolina and U.S. ambassadorto… Time is of the essence for Nikki Haley and Ron DeSantis to defeat past president Trump in the GOP primary. Both GOP presidential candidates, who each trail Trump by a large margin in swing state and federal polls, will face crucial challenges in the coming weeks. Haley, a former governor of South Carolina and ambassador to the United States
Ron DeSantis and Nikki Haley are running out time to catch the former President Trump in GOP primary. Both candidates are far behind Trump in national and swing state polls. The next few weeks could be crucial for them. Haley is a former South Carolina Governor and U.S. Ambassador to…