The House Republican leadership is rallying behind two anti-abortion measures ahead of the annual March for Life. Neither bill seeks to limit abortion on a nationwide scale, but instead focuses on unwanted pregnancies or pregnancy centers. The bills, which were passed by the House on Thursday, are in line with the theme of the event this year, but also reflect the desire of GOP leadership to avoid votes for controversial messaging legislation, which would impose…
Before the annual March for Life, House Republican leaders are rallying behind two anti-abortion bills, though neither one aims to restrict abortion on a national level and preferably focuses on unwelcome pregnancies and pregnancy centers. The bills, which were approved by the House on Thursday, reflect the theme of this year’s event while even highlighting GOP leaders ‘ desire to abstain from voting on contentious messaging legislation that would impose… Before the annual March for Life, House Republican leaders are rallying behind two anti-abortion bills, though neither one aims to restrict abortion on a national level and preferably focuses on unwelcome pregnancies and pregnancy centers. The bills, which were approved by the House on Thursday, reflect the theme of this year’s event while even highlighting GOP leaders ‘ desire to abstain from voting on contentious messaging legislation that would impose…
The House Republican leadership is rallying behind two anti-abortion measures ahead of the annual March for Life. Neither bill seeks to limit abortion on a nationwide scale, but instead focuses on unwanted pregnancies or pregnancy centers. The bills, which were passed by the House on Thursday, are in line with the theme of the event this year, but also reflect the desire of GOP leadership to avoid votes for controversial messaging legislation, which would impose…