Fears of widespread blackouts were fueled by a blast of arctic air that swept across Texas in the early part of this week. The grid has held up well, thanks in part to the state’s leading renewables industry. The sun shone brightly on a cold Wednesday afternoon. Renewable energy sources – wind, solar, and nuclear – were responsible for nearly 59…
Fears of common blackouts were stoked by a blast of northern cold that hit Texas earlier this week. However, the grid has endured, being largely protected by the state’s top-ranked renewables sector. Almost 59… were generated by alternative energy sources, including wind, solar, and nuclear, as the sun shone on a chilly Wednesday afternoon. Fears of widespread blackouts were stoked by a blast of northern cold that was blowing across Texas earlier this week. However, the grid has endured, being largely protected by the state’s top-ranked renewables sector. Almost 59… were generated by alternative energy sources, including wind, solar, and nuclear, as the sun shone on a windy Wednesday afternoon.
Fears of widespread blackouts were fueled by a blast of arctic air that swept across Texas in the early part of this week. The grid has held up well, thanks in part to the state’s leading renewables industry. The sun shone brightly on a cold Wednesday afternoon. Renewable energy sources – wind, solar, and nuclear – were responsible for nearly 59…