LAS VEGAS, NV (AP) – A man who jumped over a judicial table and attacked a Nevada Judge on video last Monday was shackled as he appeared in front of the same judge to be sentenced to four years state prison. The punishment was given in connection with a charge of attempted battery…
LAS VEGAS ( AP )- A man who attacked a Nevada judge on video last week was restrained and closely watched on Monday as he appeared before the same judge and was given an up-to-four-year sentence in state prison. In connection with an attempted battery charge, the punishment was decided… LAS VEGAS ( AP )- A man who attacked a Nevada judge on video last week was imprisoned and under close observation on Monday when he appeared before the judge. He was given an up-to-four-year sentence in state prison. In connection with an attempted battery charge, the punishment was decided…
LAS VEGAS, NV (AP) – A man who jumped over a judicial table and attacked a Nevada Judge on video last Monday was shackled as he appeared in front of the same judge to be sentenced to four years state prison. The punishment was given in connection with a charge of attempted battery…