House Majority leader Steve Scalise, R-La. House Majority Leader Steve Scalise (R-La.)
Steve Scalise, the leader of the House Majority ( R- La. ) is undergoing a stem cell transplant to treat his multiple myeloma, which his office referred to as” a significant turning point in his fight against cancer.” Before returning to Washington following month, Scalise will work remotely after the procedure is finished, reducing the GOP’s now tenuous majority in the House. … Steve Scalise (R-La ) is the leader of the House Majority. is undergoing a stem cell transplant to treat his multiple myeloma, which his office referred to as” a significant development in his fight against cancer.” Before returning to Washington following month, Scalise will work electronically, reducing the GOP’s now tenuous majority in the House. …
House Majority leader Steve Scalise, R-La. House Majority Leader Steve Scalise (R-La.)