In any strategy to combat illicit finance, the first step should be to bring more digital asset companies to the United States. Companies based in the United States will be subject to U.S. laws and regulations. Their deliberately unworkable framework is driving companies and capital overseas.
Increasing the presence of modern asset companies in the US should be the primary goal of any strategy to combat illicit finance. Companies based in the United States will be governed by American law and regulations. Their consciously impossible framework will force businesses and financial resources overseas. Increasing the presence of modern asset companies in the US should be the primary goal of any strategy to combat illicit finance. Companies based in the United States will be governed by U.S. law and regulation. Companies and capital will move abroad as a result of their voluntarily impossible framework.
In any strategy to combat illicit finance, the first step should be to bring more digital asset companies to the United States. Companies based in the United States will be subject to U.S. laws and regulations. Their deliberately unworkable framework is driving companies and capital overseas.