While the latest shutdown threat has been avoided, some lawmakers are already concerned about the next deadline for government funding. Spending cardinals claim that they have not yet learned from the fact that leaders on both sides were able to agree earlier this month on the topline for 12 annual government funding bills in fiscal year 2024.
Even though the most recent shutdown threat has been avoided, some lawmakers are now concerned about the upcoming government funding deadline. The 12 annual government funding bills for the fiscal year 2024 were able to have a topline agreed upon earlier this month by leaders on both sides of the aisle, but spending cardinals claim they still do n’t know… Although the most recent shutdown threat has been avoided, some lawmakers are now concerned about the upcoming funding cut. The 12 annual government funding bills for the fiscal year 2024 were able to have a topline agreed upon earlier this month by leaders on both sides of the aisle, but spending cardinals claim they still do n’t know…
While the latest shutdown threat has been avoided, some lawmakers are already concerned about the next deadline for government funding. Spending cardinals claim that they have not yet learned from the fact that leaders on both sides were able to agree earlier this month on the topline for 12 annual government funding bills in fiscal year 2024.