Sunday news shows will focus on the presidential election as the calendar turns towards 2024. Iowa’s caucus is the first vote in the 2024 cycle and it’s just over a weeks away. There, Gov. Ron DeSantis, the Republican candidate for Florida governor, will appear on CBS’ “Face the Nation,” on Sunday. He hopes to upset former president…
The national election will be the center of attention on Sunday news programs as the calendar turns to 2024. Only over a week remains until the Iowa caucus, the primary election of the 2024 cycle. Governor there Ron DeSantis (R-Fla. ), who will appear on CBS ‘” Face the Nation” on Sunday, intends to enrage the former president. The national election will be the focus of Sunday newscasts as 2024 approaches. Just over a week remains until the Iowa caucus, the second vote of the 2024 cycle. That, Governor Ron DeSantis (R-Fla. ), who will appear on CBS ‘” Face the Nation” on Sunday, intends to enrage the former president.
Sunday news shows will focus on the presidential election as the calendar turns towards 2024. Iowa’s caucus is the first vote in the 2024 cycle and it’s just over a weeks away. There, Gov. Ron DeSantis, the Republican candidate for Florida governor, will appear on CBS’ “Face the Nation,” on Sunday. He hopes to upset former president…