Hand-wringing about AI will not lead to anything. Instead, we should focus our attention on a superior policy, as suggested by the fabulous name of the most influential paper in computer science of the last 10 years: “attention’s all you need.”
Hand-wringing AI itself wo n’t accomplish anything. Otherwise, we should concentrate on a much better course of action, as suggested by the brilliant phrase “attention is all you need” from the most important computer science paper in the past ten years. Hand-wringing over AI itself wo n’t accomplish anything. Otherwise, we should concentrate on a much better course of action, as suggested by the brilliant phrase “attention is all you need” from the most important computer science paper in the past ten years.
Hand-wringing about AI will not lead to anything. Instead, we should focus our attention on a superior policy, as suggested by the fabulous name of the most influential paper in computer science of the last 10 years: “attention’s all you need.”