Former South Carolina Governor has a 16,4-point advantage over the former President Trump. According to a Suffolk University survey released on Friday, Nikki Haley is leading in New Hampshire four days before the Republican primary. Haley has gained a lot of ground in recent months but the former president still has a significant lead before Tuesday’s primary. Just…
Past South Carolina Governor Trump has a 16.4-point advantage over former President Trump. According to a survey conducted by Suffolk University on Friday, Nikki Haley was in New Hampshire four days prior to the state’s Democratic primary. Haley has made significant progress in recent months, but the previous president still has a sizable lead before Tuesday’s primary. Simply… Previous South Carolina Governor Trump has a 16.4-point advantage over former President Trump. According to a survey conducted by Suffolk University on Friday, Nikki Haley was in New Hampshire four days prior to the state’s Democratic primary. Haley has made significant progress in recent months, but the previous president still has a sizable lead before Tuesday’s primary. Merely…
Former South Carolina Governor has a 16,4-point advantage over the former President Trump. According to a Suffolk University survey released on Friday, Nikki Haley is leading in New Hampshire four days before the Republican primary. Haley has gained a lot of ground in recent months but the former president still has a significant lead before Tuesday’s primary. Just…