First polls in New Hampshire are closing as former President Trump tries to stop Nikki Haley from gaining momentum. Haley’s stakes are high, as she needs to win Granite State to have a chance of beating Trump for the nomination. The rivals are polling in closer…
As the second polls in the New Hampshire main draw to a close, former president Trump hopes to defeat rival Nikki Haley with another knockout victory. The odds are against Haley, who needs a Granite State victory to maintain his chances of defeating Donald Trump for the nomination. The competitors are drawing nearer… As the second polls in the New Hampshire main draw to a close, former president Trump hopes to defeat rival Nikki Haley with another knockout victory. Haley’s chances of defeating Trump for the nomination are slim due to the high stakes, which include a Granite State victory. The competitors are drawing nearer…
First polls in New Hampshire are closing as former President Trump tries to stop Nikki Haley from gaining momentum. Haley’s stakes are high, as she needs to win Granite State to have a chance of beating Trump for the nomination. The rivals are polling in closer…