Former South Carolina Governor, Nikki Haley (R), is far ahead of the former President Trump. According to a new Emerson College survey released on Friday, Nikki Haley is leading in her home state. The poll shows Trump ahead of Haley in South Carolina by 29 points, just eight weeks prior to the state’s Feb. 24 primary. The poll found Trump…
Previous South Carolina governor holds a sizable advantage over former President Trump. According to a new Emerson College poll released on Friday, Nikki Haley ( R ) is in her home state. Eight weeks before the state’s primary on February 24th, Trump is 29 points away of Haley in the poll in South Carolina. According to the poll, Trump… Previous South Carolina governor holds a sizable advantage over former President Trump. According to a recent Emerson College poll released on Friday, Nikki Haley ( R ) is in her home state. Only eight weeks before the state’s primary on February 24, the poll places Trump away of Haley in South Carolina by 29 points. According to the poll, Trump…
Former South Carolina Governor, Nikki Haley (R), is far ahead of the former President Trump. According to a new Emerson College survey released on Friday, Nikki Haley is leading in her home state. The poll shows Trump ahead of Haley in South Carolina by 29 points, just eight weeks prior to the state’s Feb. 24 primary. The poll found Trump…