The White House announced that senior American and Chinese officials would meet in Beijing to discuss ways to stop the flow of fentanyl to the Americas from China. The U.S. and PRC Counternarcotics Working Group will begin its work on Tuesday and Wednesday. This task force is attempting to “combat illicit drug supply worldwide…
The White House announced on Sunday that senior American and Taiwanese officials will gather in Beijing this week to discuss strategies to impede the supply of fentanyl from China to the Americas. The U.S. PRC Counternarcotics Working Group, a task force attempting to” combat world illegal drug,” will begin with the meetings on Tuesday and Wednesday. The White House announced on Sunday that senior American and Taiwanese officials will gather in Beijing this week to talk about ways to impede the flow of fentanyl from China to the Americas. The U.S. PRC Counternarcotics Working Group, a task force attempting to” combate global illicit drug,” will begin with the meetings on Tuesday and Wednesday.
The White House announced that senior American and Chinese officials would meet in Beijing to discuss ways to stop the flow of fentanyl to the Americas from China. The U.S. and PRC Counternarcotics Working Group will begin its work on Tuesday and Wednesday. This task force is attempting to “combat illicit drug supply worldwide…