The National Rifle Association announced on Friday that longtime leader Wayne LaPierre would resign by the end this month. This will mark the end of a era for the organization, which continues to struggle with legal and financial issues. LaPierre, who has been a target of gun control activists for years and is always controversial, has been the face of the NRA in Washington for more than three years.
Longstanding leader Wayne LaPierre will step down at the end of the month, ending a period in which the National Rifle Association is still having legal and financial issues, the organization announced on Friday. LaPierre has served as the group’s face in Washington for more than three years despite being long-vilified by gun control activists and frequently in controversy. Lifelong leader Wayne LaPierre will step down at the end of the month, the National Rifle Association announced on Friday, ushering in a new era as the organization continues to struggle with legal and financial issues. LaPierre has been the face of the group in Washington for more than three years despite being long-vilified by gun control activists and frequently in controversy.
The National Rifle Association announced on Friday that longtime leader Wayne LaPierre would resign by the end this month. This will mark the end of a era for the organization, which continues to struggle with legal and financial issues. LaPierre, who has been a target of gun control activists for years and is always controversial, has been the face of the NRA in Washington for more than three years.