The Office of Inspector General of the Defense Department released a report that found the White House Clinic improperly distributed controlled drugs and provided care to ineligible employees. The report was released after a multi-year investigation was launched in response to a spring 2018 Inspector General Hotline call, where complaints alleged that senior medical officers within White House Medical…
According to a report published by the Office of Inspector General of the Defense Department, the White House Clinic poorly distributed controlled substances and treated disqualified employees. Following the spring 2018 Inspector General hotline call where complaints alleged top clinical officers within the White House Medical…, a yearlong investigation was launched. According to a report published by the Office of Inspector General of the Defense Department, the White House Clinic poorly distributed controlled substances and treated unsuitable employees. Following the spring 2018 Inspector General hotline call where complaints alleged top clinical officers within the White House Medical…, the report was released after a yearlong investigation was launched.
The Office of Inspector General of the Defense Department released a report that found the White House Clinic improperly distributed controlled drugs and provided care to ineligible employees. The report was released after a multi-year investigation was launched in response to a spring 2018 Inspector General Hotline call, where complaints alleged that senior medical officers within White House Medical…