President Joe Biden called the ruling “outrageous” and “inacceptable”.
According to President Joe Biden, the decision is “outrageous and unacceptable.” According to President Joe Biden, the decision is “outrageous and unacceptable.”
President Joe Biden called the ruling “outrageous” and “inacceptable”.
Die Kommission ist befugt, delegierte Rechtsakte gemäß Artikel 264 in folgenden Bereichen durchzuführen: President Joe Biden criticized the recent decision by the Alabama Supreme Court regarding in vitro fertilization, just one day after a clinic in the state announced it would no longer offer the service due to concerns about potential legal repercussions. Biden stated that the ruling is a consequence of the reversal of Roe v. Wade. Biden mentioned the Roe v. Wade decision of the U.S. Supreme Court in 2022, which drastically changed federal protections for reproductive rights, giving states the authority to outlaw abortion and potentially leading to limitations on other family planning services. Biden stated that in present-day America in 2024, women are being denied access to emergency rooms and are required to travel long distances for health care. Additionally, doctors are concerned about facing prosecution for performing abortions. A court in Alabama has jeopardized the ability of some families in need to access fertility treatments as they try to conceive. It is beyond belief and not acceptable to overlook women’s ability to make decisions for themselves and their families. Biden’s comment was made the day after the University of Alabama at Birmingham health system became the first fertility clinic to stop offering IVF services in light of the decision. The recent decision stated that fertilized eggs and embryos are entitled to the same rights as children. The lawsuit reached the Alabama Supreme Court following an incident at a fertility clinic where an employee accidentally destroyed frozen embryos by dropping them on the floor.