[[{“value”:”Sebastián Piera, a past president of Chile, perished on Tuesday in an airplane accident.
Piera, 74, served as the nation’s president from 2010 to 2014 and from 2018 to 2022.
Breaking: Sebastián Piera, a past president of Chile, perishes in an airplane accident. He had the following age: 74 https://t.co/KNgkB1EFTO
The Associated Press ( @AP ) February 6, 2024
The former president’s passing was confirmed by Carolina Tohá, the internal minister of Chile.
The reason for the helicopter crash was not immediately disclosed.
According to the Buenos Aires Herald:
According to government sources cited by the native news source La Tercera, past president of Chile Sebastián Piera passed away in a helicopter crash on Tuesday afternoon in the southern part of Los Ros.
The federal disaster agency of Chile, SENAPRAD, reported that a helicopter crash had happened in the southeastern town of Lago Ranco, and that one person had died and three others had been hurt. La Tercera claims that four people were on board the helicopter when it crashed and that three had been “found by initial responders.”
Only IN- Sebastián Piera, a former president of Chile, was killed in an airplane accident. He served as president from 2010 to 2014 and once more from 2018 to 2022.
— February 6, 2024, Insider Paper (@TheInsiderPaper )
Sebastian Piera, a former president of Chile, perishes in an airplane accident, according to Just The News ( http ://t.co/lDyHCLjuWS).
— John Solomon, February 6, 2024 ( @jsolomonReports )
According to Only the News:
Three people managed to survive the collision. Although the impact of the unfavorable weather conditions on the crash is still unknown, CNN reported that the area was experiencing significant rainfall at the time the accident occurred.
The New York Times reported that Piera was well known for frequently flying his personal helicopter, but it was unclear whether he was the flight’s pilot.
From 2010 to 2014 and 2018 to 2022, he was in charge of the nation and oversaw Santiago’s COVID-19 epidemic response. Since Augusto Pinochet lost power in 1990, he was the second conservative-leaning leader of Chile. In 1973, Pinochet overthrew President Salvador Allende in a military coup.
The country is currently experiencing devastating wildfires that have claimed the lives of over 100 people.
It’s Maui All Over Again! Chile Burned To The Ground
Originally from The Guardian:
More than 300 people are still missing as the blazes appear to be consuming themselves, and the death toll from the wildfires that ravaged northern Chile for several days has increased to 131.
According to reports, the Valparaso region fires are the deadliest disaster in Chile since an earthquake in 2010. Some of the fires may have been consciously started, according to officials.
During a visit to the area, President Gabriel Boric declared that victims would receive donations of furniture used for the 2023 Pan American Games. He added that the government would also pay the 9,200 damaged homes ‘ water bills.
On the rocky northeast edge of Via del Mar, a beach resort renowned for its Spanish music festival, the fires started on Friday. Quilpué and Villa Alemana, two additional cities, were severely impacted by the fires, which spread rapidly in dry weather and powerful winds.
The opening gala of the Via del Mar festival was postponed as a sign of mourning. Alejandro Sanz, Pablo Alborán, and Maná were among the countless singers who participated. They all sent out messages of support and announced donations.”}]] [[{“value”:”
Former Chilean President Sebastian Pinera died Tuesday in a helicopter crash.
Pinera, who is 74 years old, was the president of South America from 2010 to 2014. He also served as president from 2018 to 2022.
BREAKING: Former Chilean president Sebastian Pinera has died in a helicopter crash. He was 74 https://t.co/KNgkB1EFTO
The Associated Press (@AP), February 6, 2024
Carolina Toha, Chile’s Interior Minister, confirmed the death of the former president.
The cause of the helicopter accident has not been revealed.
Buenos Aires Herald reports:
According to local news outlet La Tercera, government sources reported that the former Chilean president Sebastian Pinera was killed in a helicopter accident on Tuesday afternoon in Los Rios in the southern region.
SENAPRAD, Chile’s national catastrophe agency, confirmed that a helicopter crashed in Lago Ranco. One person was killed and three others were injured. According to La Tercera there were four people on the helicopter when it crashed, and three of them had been “found” by first responders.
Just in: Former President of Chile Sebastian Pinera was killed in a helicopter accident. He served as president from 2010-2014, and again from 2018-2022
Insider Paper (@TheInsiderPaper), February 6, 2024
Former Chilean President Sebastian Pinera dies in helicopter crash | Just The News https://t.co/lDyHCLjuWS
John Solomon (@jsolomonReports), February 6, 2024
Just the News
Three passengers survived. CNN reported that there was heavy rain in the area at the time of crash. However, the impact of this weather condition on the crash is still unclear.
According to the New York Times, Pinera is known to frequently fly his own helicopter. However, it was unclear if he was on the fatal flight.
He was the leader of Chile from 2010-2014, and again between 2018-2022. He also oversaw the response of Santiago to the COVID-19 epidemic. He was the country’s first conservative leader since Augusto Pinochet left power in 1990. Pinochet took power in 1973 by a coup against President Salvador Allende.
The helicopter crash happened as the country is ravaged by wildfires which have killed more than 100 people.
It’s Maui all over again!
The Guardian:
The death toll of the wildfires that have ravaged central Chile over several days is now 131. More than 300 people are still missing, as the fires seem to be burning themselves out.
Chile’s deadliest catastrophe since the 2010 earthquake is said to be the fires in Valparaiso. Officials have suggested some of the fires may have been intentionally lit.
During a visit to this region, President Gabriel Boric announced that furniture used to host the Pan American Games in 2023 would be donated to the victims. He said that the government would also forgive water bills for 9,200 homes affected.
The fires started on Friday in the mountains east of Vina del Mar. This beach resort is known for its Latin Music Festival. Quilpue, and Villa Alemana were also hard hit by the fires, which spread quickly due to the dry weather and strong wind.
The Vina del Mar Festival cancelled its opening gala in a show of respect. Many of the singers who took part in the festival, including Alejandro Sanz and Pablo Alboran, sent messages and announced donations.