
BREAKING: Massive Wildfire In Northern Texas

A wildfire that broke out in north Texas yesterday has grown to double in size thanks to the high grass. The main three main areas of this fire are currently 20 % contained in Smokehouse Creek FireGrape Vine Creek FireWindy Deuce FireGrape and Windy, while 20 % for Smokehouse is still at 0 %. Assisted evacuations have taken place. Roads in Hemphill & Roberts, Canadian, and the Northeast of Amarillo have n’t been blocked. I’ve never seen anything quite like this. North Texas is home to an immoral wildfire. The CIRA Fire detector on the weather satellite GOES 16 can be seen for it. The depth of this cannot possibly be accurate, is n’t it? That is too much. pic. February 28, 2024 TexasMassive”Wildfire” More than Doubles in Size and Forces Evacuations Areas included:
• Robert’s Hemphill &
• American
• Northeast of AmarilloDetails
• The Fire is 0 % Contained.
• All roads have been blocked. •” A… pic. A massive fire that is raging out of control is threatening Texas Panhandle towns and forcing residents to evacuate, according to a report on twitter.com/ADShtwElcD ( @MJTruthUltra ). According to the Texas A&amp and M Forest Service, the Smokehouse Creek Fire, the region’s largest wildfire burning, has grown to 200, 000 acres since Monday afternoon when it started. The blaze is moving very quickly and is still 0 % contained, driven by stormy winds and fueled by dried, unseasonably warm conditions. First on Tuesday afternoon, evacuation orders were issued for parts of Hemphill and Roberts counties as a result of the fire’s impact on densely populated areas. This includes the Texas town of Canadian, which is located about an hour and a half north of Amarillo, Texas. According to city officials and the Texas A&amp, a distinct fire is also being ordered to be evacuated from Fritch, Texas, which borders Moore and Hutchinson counties north of Amarillo. According to Moore County Emergency Management Coordinator Tommy Brooks, about 100 people might be affected by the evacuation order. Tuesday night, a strong cold front is expected to pass through the region and will change the direction of the wind, which could cause fires to spread in new directions. More than 11 million people in the south-central US are being issued red flag warnings on Tuesday as a result of springlike warmth, gusty winds, and clean air. Texas and Oklahoma are at the forefront of some of the riskiest conditions. Under similar clean, comfortable, and stormy weather, several large wildfires burned in the Texas Panhandle on Monday. #BREAKING: Emergency evacuations are underway as a huge, dangerous wildfire spreads quickly and sirens ring throughout numerous locations. 00# Texas |# USA Currently, essential mandatory evacuations are being planned as emergency sirens blare for… R A W S A L E R T S ( @rawsalerts ) February 27, 2024pampa, tx being evacuated traffic is piling up too much visibility going down picture.Twitter.com/WB5BCbTtHJ A wildfire in the Texas panhandle was burning out of control on Tuesday, according to Twitter user ikereyes1984, on February 28, 2024. About 60 miles east of Amarillo, the Smokehouse Creek fire burned on Monday night, expanding to more than 250 000 acres by Tuesday afternoon without containment. The tall grass is generally what the fire needs to fuel. The National Weather Service Office in Amarillo issued a warning on Monday that cooler weather would cause grasses to be drier. The Texas A&M Forest Service confirmed to USA TODAY that the fire’s source is also being looked into. It’s odd that presently its northern area is on fire because all the attention has recently been focused on the southern Texas border. Let’s hope that this is rapidly contained. Say a prayer for those who reside in this region and grant them life and protection. EDITOR’S NOTE: They are pursuing the food source! Trying to get rid of more cattle, and Texas is CRAFT with them! RELATED: U.S. Ranchers Band Along to Raaise$ 300 Million to Restore Our Food Supply! If you’ve been around for a while, you’ve come to the realization that I do n’t like to just bring you problems; rather, I like to bring you solutions! The MSM merely provides negative news to you. repeatedly and over again. Why? bad news increases ratings, since. That is not what we do these. We prioritize providing the truth, and when we do so, I usually try to come up with a solution. So that’s what I’m doing at the moment. Look, I do n’t need to persuade you that our food supply is in danger, in many ways. mRNA, hormones, and toxic ingredients are pumped into our beef, chicken, and fish, along with antibiotics, preservatives, chemicals, and the majority of ingredients you ca n’t even pronounce! And that’s all if, as bad as it may be, you continue to be able to get the food. The food supply will be impacted by the next” crisis” they hit us with, I’ve been anticipating for some time. Remember when people started yelling at you for toilet paper and paper towels before you could no longer purchase them? Stores that monitored how little money could be purchased rationed the shelves until they were completely empty. That was terrible, but food is nowhere near as bad or as panic-spreading as you can when it’s not just paper products you wipe your butt with. However, as I previously stated, I do n’t believe I need to persuade you that these threats to our food supply exist. Talking solutions would be nice! Which is why I was so excited when I saw this: It’s thus great! Want to enter? Details: https ://t.co/nj3zYRqhyM pic. Yes, that is simply a Tweet on Twitter, so I went further to get the details. From Grok: According to the information that was provided, it appears that US ranchers are actually trying to raise$ 300 million to build their own beef processing facilities. Ranchers are increasingly concerned about the” Big Four” meatpacking companies ‘ control and control over their prices in recent years. Some ranchers have since decided to band together and invest in their personal processing facilities in order to have more control over the supply chain and possibly increase their profits. For instance, Nebraska ranchers ‘ organization Sustainable Beef LLC plans to construct a$ 300 million beef processing facility close to North Platte. This plant is just one of several other related projects in development in the nation, with plans for additions in Iowa, Idaho, and Wisconsin. The US Department of Agriculture is also providing$ 650 million to the construction of mid-sized and small meat and poultry plants, as well as$ 100 million in loan guarantees, to promote a more diverse supply chain in the beef industry. Overall, it appears that US ranchers are actually putting forth a concerted effort to spend$ 300 million on the construction of their own beef processing plants. Get to know some ranchers, folks, this guy says. Shan ( @okie2109 ) July 2, 2023… What is your benefit from this? How can YOU get to know some ranchers for yourself? I’ve got you covered, as normal! Please allow me to introduce you to my friends. I’ve professionally looked up and worked with one of these ranchers! It’s really amazing, and I’ve actually been to one of the ranches in Idado to see it myself! They are accomplishing everything right. 100 % free of added hormones, antibiotics, and mRNA: They do n’t rely on ranchers. because they are the ranchers themselves! Oh, and they also have complete control over every additional step of the process! The ranch, the manufacturing, the shipping, and the packing! Think that all meat is the same? You do n’t know until you consume real meat. You wo n’t know the difference until you taste what you buy in a store because the products you buy have been so processed and “preserved.” Check out this: If you want in and want to ensure that you have a clear line to antibiotic-free, pasture-raised, free of any added hormones, and never have an mRNA jab, do it! I’ve got you covered, folks! Yet called WLT Beef, it’s! You can do everything online, just follow my personalized link. Who loves ya baby, as I always say, https ://www.WLTbeef.com/? Enjoy! [[{“value”:”

Wildfires that started yesterday in northern Texas have doubled in size due to the tall grass. Smokehouse Creek Fire, Grape Vine Creek Fire Windy deuce Fire are the three main sections of this wildfire. Grape and Windy both have 20% containment while Smokehouse still has 0%. There have been forced evacuations. In Hemphill & Roberts Canadian and Northeast of Amarillo have been blocked off. I’ve never seen this before. North Texas is experiencing a wildfire that is absurd. The CIRA Fire Detector on the GOES 16 satellite can see it. This can’t be right, can it? It’s too big. pic.twitter.com/mcg5dSPj7H — SpaceWeatherNews (@SunWeatherMan) February 28, 2024 Texas Massive “Wildfire” More than Doubles in Size and Forces Evacuations Areas included: * Hemphill & Robert’s


* Northeast of Amarillo Details

* The fire is 0% contained

* All roads are blocked. Here’s what MSM says… PAY ATTENTION * “A… pic.twitter.com/ADShtwElcD — MJTruthUltra (@MJTruthUltra) February 27, 2024 AOL reports: A massive blaze that’s raging out of control is threatening Texas Panhandle towns and forcing residents to evacuate. According to the Texas A&M Forest Service, the Smokehouse Creek Fire has grown to 200,000 acres after igniting on Monday afternoon. The fire, driven by gusty wind and fueled by unseasonably dry and warm conditions, is moving extremely quickly and remains 0% containment. Early Tuesday afternoon, evacuations were ordered for parts of Hemphill County and Roberts County as the fire approached populated areas. This includes the town Canadian, Texas which is located around an hour and a half northeast of Amarillo. City officials and the Texas A&M Forest Service have also issued an evacuation order to parts of Fritch, Texas which is located between Moore and Hutchinson Counties, north of Amarillo. This is due to a separate fire. The evacuation order could affect around 100 people, Moore County Emergency Management Coordinator Tommy Brooks told CNN. A powerful cold front is expected to cut through the area on Tuesday evening, causing the wind direction to change. This could cause fires to spread to new directions. Red flag warnings are in effect for more than 11 million people across the south-central US on Tuesday, as gusty winds, springlike warmth and dry air create dangerous conditions for fires. Texas and Oklahoma are at the epicenter of the most dangerous conditions. #BREAKING: Urgent Evacuations are underway as Massive and Dangerous Wildfire Rapidly Spreads with emergency sirens sounding throughout multiple locations. #BREAKING: Urgent Evacuations are underway as Massive and Dangerous Wildfire Rapidly Spreads with emergency sirens sound throughout multiple locations 00#Texas | #USA Currently, urgent mandatory evacuations are underway as emergency sirens blare for residents across the… pic.twitter.com/WB5BCbTtHJ — R A W S A L E R T S (@rawsalerts) February 27, 2024 pampa, tx being evacuated traffic is piling up too visibility going down pic.twitter.com/PqbDHzZupA — Isaac (@ikereyes1984) February 28, 2024 USA Today adds: A wildfire in the Texas panhandle was burning out of control Tuesday as it threatened towns and forced residents to evacuate their homes. The Smokehouse Creek Fire burning near Stinnett (60 miles northeast of Amarillo) was first reported on Monday evening. By Tuesday afternoon, it had grown to over 250,000 acres and there was no containment. The tall grass is the main cause of the fire. The National Weather Service Office of Amarillo warned on Monday that the grasses will be drier due to warmer weather. The Texas A&M Forest Service confirmed to USA TODAY that the cause of the blaze is still being investigated. It’s strange that the northern part of Texas is now on fire, especially with all the attention on the southern border. Let’s hope that this can be contained quickly. Declare life and protection for those in the area. They’re after the food source. Texas is FULL OF CALVES! Related: U.S. Ranchers Raise $300M to Save Our Food Supply If you’ve been around for a while you know that I don’t just like to bring problems to you, I also like to bring solutions! The MSM is always bringing you bad news ….. Why? Bad news increases ratings. We don’t. We want to bring you the TRUTH, and I like to add a solution whenever I cover bad news. That’s what I am doing now. I don’t have to tell you that our food supply is under attack in many ways. Every product is laced with toxins, preservatives, chemicals, and ingredients that you can’t pronounce. Antibiotics, hormones, and mRNA are pumped into our chickens and beefs! That’s assuming that you can continue to get the food, no matter how contaminated and toxic it may be …. I’ve been predicting that the next “crisis”, which will hit us, will be a food shortage. Remember when toilet paper and paper towel were suddenly unavailable? The shelves were empty and stores implemented rationing by tracking how much one could buy. It was bad but not as bad as the panic that will be seen when you don’t have to use paper products anymore, but food! Like I said, I do not think I need you to be convinced of the threats to our food supply. I’d prefer to talk about solutions! This is why I was so excited to see this: This is so awesome! Want in? Details https://t.co/nj3zYRqhyM pic.twitter.com/SRBY8yuqug — DailyNoah.com (@DailyNoahNews) January 19, 2024 And yes, that is just a Tweet on Twitter, which is why I dug deeper to get you the details. Grok: According the information provided, US ranchers appear to be taking steps to raise $300,000,000 to build their own processing plants. Ranchers have been increasingly concerned in recent years about the power and control of the “Big Four’ meatpacking companies. Some ranchers decided to invest in their own plants as a response to this. They wanted to gain more control over their supply chain and increase their profits. Sustainable Beef LLC is a company formed by Nebraska ranchers who plan to build a $300,000,000 beef processing plant near North Platte. This plant is just one of many similar projects planned across the country. Others are in Iowa, Idaho and Wisconsin. The US Department of Agriculture has also taken steps to encourage a diverse supply chain for the beef industry. It has allocated $650 million towards the construction of small and mid-sized meat and poultry plants along with $100 in loan guarantees. Overall, it appears that US ranchers have made a concerted attempt to raise $300,000,000 to build their own processing plants. This guy gets it. Get to know some cattle ranchers — Shan (@okie2109), July 2, 2023 Now let’s get more practical …. How can this be of help to you? How can YOU personally meet some ranchers? As usual, I’ve got you covered! Let me introduce you to some of my friends …. I’ve personally partnered up with one of these ranchers. I’ve been to one of these ranches to see for myself, and it is pretty amazing! They are doing everything right …. They are 100% FREE of Antibiotics and added Hormones: They don’t rely on ranchers …. because they ARE ranchers! They also own and control all other steps in the process! The ranch, processing, packing and shipping! You think all meat is the exact same? You won’t know until you try real meat. You won’t know what you are eating until you try it. If you want to be in the know and want to ensure that you have a direct link to antibiotic-free, free range pasture raised meat, without added hormones, and with no mRNA injection ever ….I got you covered! WLT Beef is even the name! You can do it all online. Here is my personal link. See it here: https://www.WLTbeef.com/ As I always like to say, who loves ya baby? Enjoy!


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