I think the tide is starting to turn…
The tide of Comedy fighting back against Cancel Culture.
We’ve seen some champions arise….
Certainly Dave Chappelle is fearless and not afraid to run with jokes that (gasp!) might offend someone, somewhere!
WATCH: Legendary Comedian Dave Chappelle RESPONDS To Anti-Trump Heckler
And just a few weeks ago, Jerry Seinfeld shut down a reporter for trying to imply “Seinfeld” was “too white”:
Jerry Seinfeld Shuts Down a “White Guilt” Reporter
I’ve even written pretty extensively about how we need Comedy as a weapon right now more than ever before!
A Call For Comedy! [From NOAH]
And now the tide is starting to turn….
Because it’s easy for Jerry Seinfeld and Dave Chappelle to speak out — they’re already rich and they’ve made it. There’s not much risk they COULD be cancelled at this point, they’re too big.
But it’s the little guys in comedy clubs all across America that need to do it next, and I have good news for you — they are!
I cannot give this guy more props, very impressed.
Watch as he deals with audience members who (gasp!) were offended at a George Floyd joke:
Well done sir, well done!
Backup here if needed:
George Floyd makes audience walk out.
Comedian stands his ground. BRAVO!!!
👉 @DailyNoahNews pic.twitter.com/hnPTXlyzfe
— DailyNoah.com (@DailyNoahNews) February 17, 2024
Bravo, bravo!!
Now keep it going!
Speaking of Comedy and Seinfeld, have you seen this?
Trump Does A Seinfeld – Toilets and Showers
These continue to crack me up!
It’s pure perfection….
You add the Seinfeld music, a few cut scenes to a standup crowd, and it’s wild!
It’s not just funny, it’s almost perfectly Jerry’s comedic timing.
Cracks me up every time, and this is one someone actually special requested.
In the last video, one of the comments said “You have to do the toilets and showers bit next” and apparently their wish was granted.
Backup here:
And if you missed some of the old ones, I have them for you below….
Trump Does A Seinfeld — Part 3
There is so much creativity out there in MAGA world…
I supposed I should say I’m not sure if these are made in loving admiration or more mean-spirited, but I think they’re hilarious and also kind of uncanny.
It’s amazing how you just slap some Seinfeld music over the top of some of the hilarious things Trump says and it feels literally like a Seinfeld routine.
Not just a “comedy routine” but specifically Seinfeld.
So I take them in the sense that imitation is the highest form of flattery and I think they’re hilarious.
I’ll post the prior ones down below, but first enjoy this:
People are loving it:
If you loved that, here is the original…
Trump Does A Seinfeld!
Every so often, I find something that REALLY makes me laugh.
There are a lot of things that I just kind of chuckle at…
Things that are amusing…
But then every so often you find something that literally makes you laugh out loud.
It’s only 43 seconds but I found it today.
Somebody took President Trump’s riff on paper straws from 2 years ago and put some Seinfeld music behind it and the result is pure perfection!
His timing is perfect and the material is classic Jerry Seinfeld observational humor.
Enjoy this one:
Backup here:
Trump does a Seinfeld routine!
I’m dying! pic.twitter.com/iQJOm8eN2B
— DailyNoah.com (@DailyNoahNews) June 27, 2023
Here are my top three favorite comments in response…
Genius editing!
If you can edit like this, contact me and I want to hire you!
Then I gotta say I agree with this next one:
Jerry is good, but he’s not topping this delivery!
And of course we have to end with my favorite:
Jerk Store!
I shoulda said Jerk Store!
Meanwhile, on a more serious note, what do REAL comedians think of Trump jokes?
Two of the best out there on my list are the aforementioned Jerry Seinfeld and then in the George Washington slot on Mt. Rushmore it would be Norm Macdonald.
The best of the best.
What do these guys think about comedians attacking Trump with “jokes”?
They don’t like it.
They don’t find it funny.
They think it’s lazy.
And they’re right.
The late night TV hosts attacking Trump night after night often times don’t even have a punchline, it’s just hatred of Donald Trump.
That’s comedy now?
Maybe we should listen to two of the best to ever do it.
Here’s Jerry Seinfeld’s take:
And here’s Norm, on all things Trump.
You gotta love Norm’s story about asking Trump for a picture on Jimmy Fallon, it’s hilarious.
But then Norm gets serious and as he so often does, Norm can changes gears from going 100 miles per hour on something outrageously wild and inappropriate and hilarious to being deeply introspective and insightful.
And that’s what he does here.
Norm was asked about Alec Baldwin’s impersonation of Trump and Norm had a brilliant take.
Norm said if you’re impersonating someone, you have to actually like that person…because they instinctively like themselves.
So any impersonation that starts off with hatred for the person is doomed to fail.
Brilliant insight.
Watch here:
Now back to my prior point…
I’m curious how this will end up in the Comments below, but I want your take on TOP TEN best comedians.
And set aside if they became Far-Left later in life.
I’m talking about in their prime, who was the funniest?
In no particular order except for Norm at #1, here’s a first draft of my list:
1 – Norm Macdonald
2 – Dave Chappelle
3 – Jim Gaffigan
4 – Sebastian Maniscalco (I don’t consider Sebastian a physical comedian, although most do)
5 – Mitch Hedburg
6 – Chris Rock
7 – Steve Martin (one of the rare physical comedians I like)
8 – George Carlin
9 – ???
10 – ???
Help me out, who gets 9 and 10?
Not making even my Top 20 are:
Louis CK – sorry I just don’t find him funny
Amy Schumer – need I say more?
John Mulaney
Hey, on a different topic, can I get your vote on this please?
We’re trying to make this a landslide and I need your help:
NATIONAL POLL: Who Should Go To GITMO, Trump or Biden?
They’ve even got Matt Gaetz doing one and it’s also pretty good!
Matt Gaetz Does A Seinfeld
What’s the dealllll with Kevin McCarthy?
Ok, that’s not the setup to an actual joke, but if it was Jerry Seinfeld could do it!
But what I really want to show you is this hilarious clip from Matt Gaetz.
I can’t tell if they used a little AI to give his voice that classic “Seinfeld” tone the way he finishes each sentence with a slightly upturned humorous tone?
Or if simply slapping the Seinfeld music under the track was enough, but this is hilarious.
Every once in a while you have to just stop and laugh and this is one of those times.
So enjoy this, here is Matt Gaetz doing a Seinfeld routine:
Matt Gaetz doing his best Jerry Seinfeld impression when talking about our money being devalued. pic.twitter.com/xPtq7itvi0
— illuminatibot (@iluminatibot) September 28, 2023
Backup here:
My only complaint is it isn’t longer!”}]] [[{“value”:”
I think the tide has begun to turn…
The tide of Comedy is fighting back against Cancel Culture.
We’ve seen some champions rise ….
Dave Chappelle is certainly fearless and does not hesitate to tell jokes (gasp!) Someone, somewhere might be offended by Dave Chappelle’s jokes.
Watch Dave Chappelle, the legendary comedian, respond to anti-Trump hecklers
Just a few weeks back, Jerry Seinfeld rebuked a reporter who tried to suggest that “Seinfeld” is “too black”:
Jerry Seinfeld Shuts down a “White Guilt Reporter”
I’ve written a lot about how we need Comedy now more than ever!
A Call for Comedy! [From NOAH]
Now the tide is beginning to turn ….
It’s because they’re already rich, and they’ve made a lot of money. They’re already too big to cancel.
The little guys in the comedy clubs across America are doing it!
This guy is amazing.
Watch how he handles audience members (gasp!) Watch as he deals with audience members who (gasp!)
Well done sir, well done!
Back up here if necessary:
George Floyd causes audience to leave.
Comedian stands his ground. BRAVO!! !
@DailyNoahNews pic.twitter.com/hnPTXlyzfe
DailyNoah.com – (@DailyNoahNews), February 17, 2024
Bravo, bravo! !
Keep going!
Have you seen this video?
Trump’s Seinfeld – Toilets & Showers
These are still making me laugh!
It’s pure perfection ….
Add the Seinfeld soundtrack, a few cutscenes, and a crowd of standup comedians, and you have a wild show!
Jerry’s timing is almost perfect.
This is a video that someone requested.
One of the comments on the last video said “You need to do the toilets next” and their wish was granted.
Back here:
Below you will find some of my old favorites. ….
Trump Does A Seinfeld – Part 3
MAGA World is full of creativity.
I suppose I should say that I’m not certain if these comments are made out of love or in a more malicious manner, but I find them hilarious and also uncanny.
It’s amazing that you can just add some Seinfeld songs to some of the funny things Trump says, and it will feel like a Seinfeld episode.
Not just “comedy” but Seinfeld.
I find them hilarious and I take it in the sense that imitation really is the highest form flattery.
Enjoy this video before I post the previous ones.
People love it:
Here is the original…
Trump Does A Seinfeld!
I am always surprised to find something that makes me laugh.
There are many things that make me laugh…
Things that are funny…
You will find that every now and then, you come across something that makes you laugh so hard you can hardly contain yourself.
It only took me 43 seconds to find it.
Someone took President Trump’s riff from 2 years ago on paper straws and put some Seinfeld behind it. The result is pure perfection.
The material is classic Jerry Seinfeld observational comedy.
Enjoy this one!
Back here:
Trump performs a Seinfeld routine
I’m dying! pic.twitter.com/iQJOm8eN2B
— DailyNoah.com (@DailyNoahNews) June 27, 2023
Here are my three most favorite comments.
Genius editing
Contact me if you can edit this well! I want to hire YOU!
Then I have to say that I agree with the next one.
Jerry is good but he doesn’t top this delivery!
We must end with my personal favorite:
Jerk Store!
I should have said Jerk Store
What do REAL comedians have to say about Trump jokes, on a serious note?
Jerry Seinfeld, who I mentioned above, and George Washington on Mt. Rushmore, it would be Norm Mcdonald.
The best of the Best
What do these guys make of comedians who attack Trump with “jokes?”
They don’t like that.
They don’t find this funny.
They consider it lazy.
They’re right.
Many times, the late night TV hosts who attack Donald Trump night after night don’t have a joke. They just hate him.
What’s the joke now?
Listen to two of the greatest.
Here’s Jerry Seinfeld on the subject:
Here’s Norm on all things Trump.
You’ve got to love Norm’s story of asking Trump for a photo on Jimmy Fallon. It’s hilarious.
Then Norm gets serious. As he does so often, Norm can change gears and go from being outrageously wild, inappropriate and hilarious into something deeply introspective.
And that’s exactly what he does.
Norm was asked to comment on Alec Baldwin’s Trump impersonation and Norm gave a brilliant response.
Norm said that if you want to impersonate someone, you must like them… because they like themselves instinctively.
Any impersonation that begins with hatred of the person will fail.
Brilliant insight
Watch Here:
Let’s go back to the previous point.
I’m curious to see how this will turn out in the comments below, but I would like your opinion on the TOP TEN best comics.
Set aside if you become Far-Left in later life.
Who was the funniest in their prime?
Here’s my first draft, in no particular order other than Norm at number one:
1 – Norm Macdonald
2 – Dave Chappelle
3 – Jim Gaffigan
4 – Sebastian Maniscalco
5 – Mitch Hedburg
Chris Rock
Steve Martin (one rare physical comedian I like).
George Carlin
9 – ? ? ?
10 – ? ? ?
Who can tell me the answer to this question?
If you don’t make it to my Top 20 list, then you are:
Louis CK, sorry I just can’t find him funny
Amy Schumer, need I say anything more?
John Mulaney
Please vote on a topic that is not the one I am currently discussing.
I need your support to make this a landslide:
POLL NATIONAL: Trump or Biden, who should go to GITMO?
Matt Gaetz has also done one, and it is also pretty good.
Matt Gaetz Does A Seinfeld
What’s up with Kevin McCarthy?
It’s not a joke, but Jerry Seinfeld would be able to do it.
What I really want to share with you is this hilarious Matt Gaetz clip.
I can’t tell whether they used AI to give him that classic “Seinfeld”, humorous tone.
This is hilarious.
This is one of those moments when you just have to stop and laugh.
Enjoy this video of Matt Gaetz performing a Seinfeld routine.
Matt Gaetz does his best Jerry Seinfeld impersonation when he talks about our money devaluing. pic.twitter.com/xPtq7itvi0
— illuminatibot (@iluminatibot) September 28, 2023
Back here:
The only thing I can complain about is that it’s not longer!