
COMEDY: Trump Indicted Again — “Wow, I had no idea…”

[[{“value”:”DISCLAIMER: this is a joke!
Everyone is aware that the left ca n’t meme.
But Team MAGA baby is one of the funniest people ever!
And they repeatedly demonstrate it.
I’ve shown these before, but this new one only came out, and it made me laugh so hard I had to tell you about it.
There are a lot of very severe things going on in our world right now, and while those things are crucial, it’s also crucial to occasionally pause and simply laugh.
Let me first explain because if you do n’t know the setup to this, you wo n’ll find it nearly as funny.
The video of Trump exiting Air Force One and going to meet with a reporter who informs him that Ruth Bader Ginsburg has recently passed away can be found in an old Meme Template.
Trump is learning this live on the spot because he has n’t been briefed yet.
His response is as you can see in the meme, but it is superseded over some absurd claim that Trump broke some pointless law and has since been charged once more.
It’s comedy pure gold.
Enjoy this most recent one before scrolling down for a ton more:
These generally make me laugh!
gold that is good.
Continue to send them!
In MAGA, we have the funniest people! pic. twitter.com/c4H9ukGkuX
On October 13, 2023, Daily Noah.com ( @Daily NoohNews )
I’ve seen it a dozen times, and each time it makes me laugh.
As you go, they just get stronger.
The visuals, the music, and the flawlessly delivered line… It is brilliant.
a lot more below
Funny fresh Trump meme videos are making me laugh!
Yes, I am aware of how severe the current situation in our nation is.
I understand it and am conscious of it.
We are actually on the edge of the cliff, and sometimes we pull this country back down or we fall over it, probably never to be seen again.
I am quite familiar with all of that.
However, there are times when you simply need to pause and use some humor.
Maybe all you can do is laugh!
Because sometimes there is no better defense against evil and insanity than simply laughing at it!
Because comedy contains a lot of truth.
In fact, comedy immediately loses its humor when there is no actual truth.
There is nothing better for a person than finding happiness, enjoyment, and contentment, not constant strife and toil; sometimes we have to just sit back in the” joy” of knowing God does indeed have things under control, according to Ecclesiastes Chapter 2 of the Bible, the wisest man to ever live, King Solomon.
Nothing is better for a person than to eat, drink, and enjoy his labor. I observed that this is also from the hand of God, 25 for who else besides him is able to eat or enjoy themselves? God has bestowed wisdom, knowledge, and joy upon those who please him, but he has given the sinner the task of gathering and gathering simply in order to bestow such gifts upon God. This is even conceit and a wind-driven pursuit.
And with that, I’ll share with you something that makes me laugh out loud.
Maybe you’ve seen it, but every time a fresh one is released, I find myself laughing.
The joke originated on the night Ruth Bader Ginsburg passed away.
Trump did n’t know because he had just gotten off Marine One.
He responds and processes what the reporters say, saying,” Wow, I did n’t know that, you’re telling me now for the first time.”
Therefore, what people have wonderfully done is insert that reaction clip into absurd circumstances for which Trump is being charged, and then he responds by saying that.
One of my favorite is the one Trump was charged with using his blinker in 1982.
@the. crystal. a queen
I was unaware of that. For you,# Viral #trumptrain #capcut# Trump #biden
Classic music by Samantha Lee

accused of bringing 11 items to the aisle with 10 or fewer items:
Captain Cuti was unaware of the Trump indictment.
Shauna Bearup’s unique sound

You understand what I mean when I say that humor has some truth, do n’t you?
By contrasting the things Trump has already been charged with with yet more immoral things, we are using humor and satire to highlight how absurd they are.
Additionally, the background music they overlay is flawless.
As time goes on, they get much…
His accusation for sinking the Titanic is as follows:
# CapCut #trump 2024 #wowidid n’tknow#fyp
Leiya Brewer’s unique sound

To get rid of McDonald’s ‘ Dollar Menu:
0 @dustiestspider
## CapCut #fyp #foryoupagee #donaldtrump #trumped #indicted #dollarmenu #mcDonalde$ menus #wow #meme #idid n’tknowthat
Dustiestspider0 is the unique sound.

accused of being responsible for the extinction of dinosaurs:
Non-political purely for jokes #trump #maga #mrtrumped# Trump2024 #idid n’tknowthat #trumpindictment#truppmeme# Trumpelection#
Classic sound: Science and aliens

accused of disliking Pina Coladas and getting caught in the rain:
#trump #indicted #wowidid n’tknowthat
Cletus B.’s unique sound

Faking the Moon Landing is charged:
I did n’t know that Padreisland was a country, so# CapCut #trending #trump2024# Trumpmeme #maga #fyp
Classic composition by Karen Rossi

And my personal favorite is… The response you give when the police stop you for having too dark of window tint ( this one hits too close to home ) is a slightly different format. Everyone responds EXACTLY in this way, and it is so ideal:
@pwrstrkshrek7. 3
5 % of #trump #powerstrokeparadise #toodeep #commentifyougetit #poweredstroke #tint
Initial composition by Nick Schreck

Someone please create this one second.
Come in, everyone, we are in the right!
Truth is on our side!
God is with us at all times!
But let’s pause for a moment to laugh and respond with satire!
FINALLY In Stock Again!
desire one
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This is a comedy!
We all know that the left cannot meme…
Some of the funniest and most hilarious people are on Team MAGA baby.
They have done so repeatedly.
I’ve shown you these before, but this one is new and made me laugh so hard I had to share with you.
There are many serious things going on in the world today. They are important, but it is also important to laugh every now and then.
Let me explain the setup first.
There was a Meme Template created a few years ago that showed Trump getting off Air Force One to meet a reporter and hearing her tell him that Ruth Bader Ginsburg had just died.
Trump had not been briefed, so he is learning this on the spot.
The meme shows his reaction, but it’s overlaid with some ridiculous claim about Trump having violated some stupid laws and been indicted again.
It’s comedy gold.
Scroll down to see more.

These always crack me up!
Solid gold.
Keep them coming!
We have the most hilarious people in MAGA. pic.twitter.com/c4H9ukGkuX
DailyNoah.com October 13, 2023

I’ve seen it a dozen or more times and it never fails to make me laugh!
The only way to improve is to keep going.
The music, visuals and the perfectly delivered line ….it is genius.
Below is a lot more
HILARIOUS New Trump Meme Videos Are Cracking Me Up!
Yes, I do know that things are very serious right now in our country.
I understand, I am completely aware.
We are literally on the precipice. Either we pull this Country down from the edge, or we tumble over it and may never recover.
I am very familiar with all of this.
But sometimes you have to take a break and use some humor.
You just have to laugh sometimes!
There’s no better way to fight evil and insanity than by laughing at it.
There is a lot of truth in comedy.
Comedy quickly loses its charm if it doesn’t have a truthful foundation.
Even in the Bible, Ecclesiastes chapter 2, the wisest person to ever live, Solomon, says that there is nothing more important than happiness, enjoyment, and contentment. Not constant struggle and toil. Sometimes we just have to sit back and enjoy the “joy” knowing God has things under control.

24 There is no better thing for a man than to eat, drink and enjoy his work. I saw that this also came from God’s hand, 25 because without him, who could eat, or who could have fun? 26 For God has given wisdom, knowledge, and joy to those who please him, but he has given the sinner the task of gathering and collecting only to give someone who pleases God. This is also vanity and a striving for wind.

Here’s something that really makes me laugh.
You may have seen them, but I laugh every time they come out.
The meme is from the night that Ruth Bader Ginsburg passed away.
Trump had just got off Marine One, and didn’t even know.
The reporters tell him, and he reacts and processes in the moment. He says, “Wow, I didn’t know that. You’re telling me for the first time.”
People have done something hilarious by overlaying the reaction clip onto absurd situations in which Trump is being indicted, and then he responds.
This is my favorite, Trump was indicted in 1982 for not using his blinder.

I didnt know this. #capcut#trump #biden #foryou #Viral #trumptrain
Original sound – Samantha Lee

Indicted for bringing in 11 items into the aisle with 10 or less items:

#CapCuti didntknowthat#trump #indictment #CapCut
Original sound – Shauna Beaup

You understand what I mean by saying that humor is a form of truth, right?
We use humor and satire in order to highlight the ABSURDITY that Trump has been charged with by comparing it to even more absurd things.
The music that they play in the background is perfect.
It gets better as you go ….
Here is his Indictment of the Titanic sinking:

#CapCut #trump #trump2024 #wowididntknow #fyp
Original sound – Leiya brewer

The Dollar Menu at McDonald’s has been removed.

#CapCut #fyp #foryou #foryoupagee #donaldtrump #trump #mcdonalds #indicted #dollarmenu #mcdonaldsdollarmenu #wow #meme #ididntknowthat
Original sound – Dustiestspider0

Indicted for the extinction the dinosaurs

Nonpolitical just to make jokes #trump#maga #mrtrump#trump2024#ididntknowthat#trumpmeme#trumpelection#trumpindictment
Original sound – Aliens and Science

Indicted because he didn’t like Pina Coladas or getting caught in the rain

#trump #indicted #wowididntknowthat
Original sound – Cletus b

Indicted for Faking the Moon Landing

#CapCut #trending #trump2024 #trumpmeme #maga #fyp #ididntknowthat #padreisland
Original sound – Karen Rossi

My personal favorite ….a different format but the response that you give when you are pulled over by the police for having too dark a window tint. (This one is too close to home!) )….This is the exact response everyone gives, it’s perfect:

#trump #powerstrokeparadise #toodeep #commentifyougetit #powerstroke #tint 5%
Original sound – Nick Schreck

Next, make this one.

Come on, people! We are in the right.
Truth is on our side.
We have God by our side!
Let’s laugh and fight back using satire.
Finally Back in Stock!

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