[[{“value”:”A BP oil refinery in Indiana has been evacuated in an emergency due to a power outage.
The outage, according to ABC 7, “increased burning and flaring through the stacks at the site.”
According to BP, the flaring is done to burn off extra product during the outage.
Power outage at the BP refinery in Whiting, Indiana, really in. Plant evacuated after emergency response team was activated.
— Explain. ( @disclosetv ) February 1, 2024
” The outage has forced workers to leave the refinery, and there has been significant flare activity seen.” Numerous streets close to the refinery have reportedly been closed, according to reports. According to officials, this restoration process might take some hours. As a preventative measure to burn off products, more smoke and flames are anticipated, and they can be seen for miles, according to Rawsalerts.
Breaking: There have been evacuations inside the BP refinery due to a significant power outage.
A significant power outage at the BP refinery in Whiting, Indiana, is now being handled by a large number of emergency crews. Employees have taken pictures as a result of the outage. twitter.com/Oy8h4zITEz
R A W S A L E R T S ( @rawsalerts ) February 1, 2024
originating in ABC 7:
The city of Whiting stated in a release that BP is working to fix the power outage.
” BP has evacuated the employees from the Glass House located on Indianapolis Boulevard and 129th Street out of an abundance of caution.” No additional evacuation is necessary, the release stated in part. ” We have even been informed that all traffic will be prohibited on Indianapolis Boulevard from 129th to Schrage.”
Increased burning and flaring through the stacks at the BP oil refinery in Whiting, Indiana, resulted from a power outage on Thursday. t.co/EkRYM7Dck3
February 1, 2024, ABC 7 Chicago ( @ABC7Chicago )
CBS Chicago broadcast this video:
Next week, there was a leak at the BP Whiting refinery, which resulted in the smell of natural gas in nearby suburbs.
originating from CBS News:
The enigmatic odor in the southern suburbs was caused by a leak.
The Village of Tinley Park reported on Wednesday that calls for a normal gas odor outside had been made to their 911 centers. East of Tinley Park, suburbs were likewise receiving reports.
A leak from a storage tank in the fields next week, according to BP’s refinery spokesperson in Whiting. As of next Friday, the leak was stopped and contained at the tank confinement area.
This week, the refinery was running usually with no reported injuries.
However, some Whiting residents claimed they had headaches as a result of the sulfur-like smell. Some locals who live directly across the street from the refinery claimed that their homes were affected by the odor.
There is something, you can see as you get close to the refinery. There is a distinction, according to resident Albert Zieba.
The smell was described as” a combination… of sulfur and fuel” by Whiting Mayor Steve Spebar.
You do n’t want to live in it, Zieba remarked, but it’s not going to knock your socks off.
According to a BP spokesman, the containment area’s contaminated soil and gravel will continue to be monitored using both fixed and wireless air monitoring equipment.”}]] [[{“value”:”
An emergency evacuation was prompted by a power outage at a BP oil refinery in Indiana.
According to ABC 7, “increased flaring and burning through the stacks” was the result of the outage.
BP reportedly stated that the flaring was done to burn off excess products during the power outage.
JUST IN – Power outage at BP Refinery in Whiting Indiana. Emergency response team activated and plant evacuated.
Disclose.tv February 1, 2024
“The outage prompted employees to evacuate the refinery. Heavy flare activity was observed.” Multiple streets near the refinery were reported to be closed. Officials say that the restoration process could last several hours. As a precaution, additional smoke and fires are expected to burn off the products. Smoke and flames can easily be seen from miles away,” Rawsalerts stated.
The BP refinery in Whiting is currently experiencing a major power outage. The outage has prompted employees to… pic.twitter.com/Oy8h4zITEz
— R A W S A A L E R T s (@rawsalerts), February 1, 2024
ABC 7:
The city of Whiting released a statement saying that BP is working on resolving the power outage.
“Out of caution, BP evacuated the Glass House employees located at Indianapolis Boulevard and 129th street. The release stated that no further evacuation was required. “We were also notified that the Indianapolis Boulevard between 129th and Schrage will be closed for all traffic.”
The Whiting, Indiana BP oil refinery suffered a power outage on Thursday that led to increased flaring and burning through the stacks. https://t.co/EkRYM7Dck3
ABC 7 Chicago (@ABC7Chicago), February 1, 2024
CBS Chicago shared the following footage:
Last week, BP’s Whiting Refinery suffered a leak that caused a natural gas odor in the nearby suburbs.
CBS News:
The mysterious smell in the South suburbs was caused by a leak.
The Village of Tinley Park reported that their 911 centers had received calls on Wednesday regarding a natural gas smell outside. Tinley Park’s suburbs to the east also received reports.
A spokesperson from BP’s Whiting refinery said that a leak occurred last week in a storage tank on the field. As of last Friday, the leak had been stopped and contained in the tank confinement zone.
This week, the refinery operated normally and no injuries were reported.
Some Whiting residents have reported headaches due to the sulfur-like odor. Some residents who live directly across the street from a refinery claim that the smell seeps into their homes.
“The closer you are to the refinery, the more you can see. Albert Zieba, a resident, said that there is a difference.
Whiting Mayor Steve Spebar characterized the smell as “a mixture… of fuel and sulfur.”
Zieba said: “It won’t knock your socks off but you don’t wish to live there.”
A BP spokesperson stated that it has been using stationary and portable air monitoring equipment, and will continue to use this until the contaminated soil and gravel is removed from the containment area.