
Far-Left “Comedian” Michael Rapaport Posts New Rant: “Voting Trump Is ON THE TABLE!”

You’re no reading a repeat article, I assure you. Michael Rapaport shocked many people last year by posting a rant online stating that “voting for Trump is on the table.” Today, however, he merely launched another offensive tirade and reiterated that doing so is completely ON THE TABLE! This is why, when I say voting for Pig, Donald Trump is on the table, excuse the foul language. Donald Trump is on the ballot, voting for Pig. Six improper aliens jumped a New York City police officer the other day in the city. They were arrested and released without bail after jumping a New York City police officer in Times Square. I am aware that it is a state and city issue. I am aware of everything. Okay, follow me here. They left the courtroom on some Tupac after being released without posting bail and raising their mid finger in a Detroit Red Wings jersey. What the f*ck is the world going to if you can beat up a police officer in New York City while you’re from another country and leave without posting bail? What the f*ck is happening to the world? In Judea Samaria, also known as the West Bank, Cadaver Joe Biden issues an executive order about four” settlers” on the same day that it occurs. some troublemakers Of the four, three have now been detained. You issue an executive order regarding four troublemakers who have already been detained in Judea Samaria while a war is in progress and more than 100 hostages are also being held in Gaza. You’re bringing that off, but you have nothing to say about beating up police officers in New York City, the most amazing city on earth? If you could beat up police officers, maybe my city is n’t the best city on earth anymore. Are we the greatest city on earth if you could beat up the police in the “greatest” city and get out on bail? We’ve seen you, Cadaver Joe Biden. We see you. Do n’t worry about those in Israel. BB got them. Israel will take care of them. Worry about cops getting beat up in Times Square and walking out with no bail like Tupac Shakur, worry about that. This is why voting for Pig Donald Trump is still on the table” .Watch it here: Is NYC the greatest city in the World?
Even not!! !
Another reason why voting
D! ck Stain 2024 is on the table!!! !
Full Rant is on the @iamrapaport :https: //t. co/76VJ2nnuwf pic. twitter.com/SikcI7fCOG— MichaelRapaport ( @MichaelRapaport ) February 2, 2024Here’s more, from Fox News: Comedian and staunch critic of former President Trump Michael Rapaport unleashed a scathing rant against New York City’s immigration problems and President Biden’s priorities this week, suggesting that if Biden does n’t deal with the problems here at home, voting for Trump is “on the table “.Rapaport shared a video to X Friday railing against the recent news story about illegal immigrants in New York City beating up cops and then being released shortly after the altercation. Furious at the idea that the Biden Administration has been tougher on unusual issues than domestic issues like a record migrant surge, Rapaport opened the clip by slamming his fist on a table and declaring,” This is why when I say voting for pig d— Donald Trump is on the table, voting for pig d— Donald Trump is on the table” !MIGRANT ARRESTED IN SPAT WITH POLICE AFTER SHOWING OFF NYPD ATTACK VIDEORapaport on TV
Comedian Michael Rapaport slammed the Biden Administration for no prioritizing the immigrant situation thats ravaging New York City, warning that voting for former President Trump is “on the table”. ( Charles Sykes/Bravo/NBCU Photo Bank via Getty Images )
He explained,” The other day in New York City, six illegal aliens jumped a New York City cop. NYPD’s finest. This week’s incident, which was caught on surveillance footage, involved them jumping a police officer in Times Square in New York City. They were later detained and released without bail. It depicted two police officers squabbling and being kicked by numerous migrants. Four of the men who were detained for the incident are thought to have used fictitious names to obtain travel vouchers and leave the city for California, as Rapaport noted, and some of them were released without bail. Rapaport expressed his outrage at the news and made a remark in response to new video of one of the migrants flinging off the camera as he left the courtroom in New York City. ” Released without a bond.” raised the mid finger with the Detroit Redwings jersey as he emerged from the courtroom on some Tupac. What the f— is the world going to if you could beat up a police officer in New York City while you’re from another country and leave without paying any bail? If you missed his rant from next year, here it is: Michael Rapaport FLAGGED By Instagram! What the f— is the world coming to? Also, that was rapid. Michael Rapaport, who has been one of the biggest” Never Trumpers” for the past eight years, released a viral video this week criticizing the economy and claiming that voting for Trump was “on the table.” You must adore it! I’ll post that below, but the funny part is right here. The” thieves” on Instagram quickly took notice of the actor hitting his account with a warning about posting” False Information” because there is no honor among thieves. Hilaroius! Watch this: Wow. That happened quickly! They captured him! pic. Here is what the warning appeared to be, according to reports: Yep, @Timcast, Instagram is censoring Michael Rapaport. Twitter.com/beRwM2r2Ha— Daily Noah.c ( @Daily Notnews ) November 21, 2023. pic. Erika Stephens, Free Speech Enthusiast ( @BalkyHillMama ) November 21, 2023. I tested it myself and did NOT receive the warning message, so perhaps Instagram has seen the online mockery and (temporarily )? removed the warning. We will keep an eye on things. Rapaport claimed he might be voting TRUMP in the classic story we covered earlier this week. Famous actor and anti-Trumper Gets Willing To Vote TRUMP In 2024! Okay, I’m sorry right away. Maybe I should n’t have said “famous.” I’m never certain of this man’s actual fame. Do you know who he is? Rapaport, Michael How about” D- List Famous Anti-Trumper and Actor”? Is that more correct? What about” Infamous” instead? In any case, Michael Rapaport, a man who considers himself to be an actor and comedian, has had an Extraordinary case of Trump Derangement Syndrome for the better part of eight years. However, when he went live online to announce that his plans to vote for President Trump in 2024 were announced, the world was shocked. Very amazing. Watch this brief video: The legendary “anti-Trumper” is now eligible to vote for Trump in 2024! At least Joe Biden’s America, which is essentially indistinguishable from Hell, has actually frozen over. However, he will continue to refer to him as” Pig D*ck Donald Trump.” Voting for Orange Man is Red Man! LFG and a picture Fugly Michael Rapaport claims to have spoken with President Trump and that voting for him is now on the table. This clip is from Twitter.com/E38SxvuGwa ( @Daily NoahNews ) November 17, 2023. He is unable to find employment.
The economy is terrible.
Mortgage interest rates are excessive.
• Excessive interest rates
unable to purchase a home or car
There is n’t a picture. On November 17, 2023, Twitter.com/hRPHNb447N—MJTruthUltra ( @MJTuru ) claims to have spoken with Donald Trump and that voting for him is now on the table. Why? He is unable to find a job.
The economy is terrible.
Mortgage interest rates are excessive.
• Excessive interest rates
unable to purchase a home or car
There is no law and order in place.
• Illegals are assuming power.
There is chaos in this nation and in the entire world, but do n’t worry, he will still refer to him as” Pig D*ck Donald Trump.” This is to say, in typical classless fashion, the man will continue to address the candidate with the moniker” PIG Dick Trump” even if the latter chooses to support him. And do you know what? I do n’t have an issue with that. Clean Speech sort of operates in that manner. However, as always, this supports one of the most enduring and trustworthy political truths, which James Carville reportedly stated:” It’s the economy stupid!” People can go Much Left Woke and dream about high Left ideals UNTIL… it hits THEM in the pocketbook. Therefore, individuals like Michael Rapaport, who may have amassed some wealth from his time in Hollywood, may be able to remain on the Far Left for a longer period of time than most, but later, when perhaps he is unable to find employment, buy homes, or purchase cars, even they give up. It’s the economy being foolish! EVERY WOKE TURNS TO QUIET! And finally, people understand this and exclaim,” Enough’s Enough!” when they themselves become destitute. By that time, it’s frequently very soon, but Michael deserves praise for waking up. Keep reading TDS ALERT: Michael Rappaport Goes On Another Unhinged Meltdown Over Trump for a history of Michael’s Extreme Tests and Before Fever-Ups. Michael Test-Alio only engaged in another unchecked meltdown over Trump, Russia, and Ukraine. I am aware that many of you are asking,” Michael who?” However, he is semi-famous, or was once, and claims to be a comedian. He is, I suppose, somewhat similar to Kathy Griffin from D List material. Nearly two years after leaving office, Trump is also residing rent-free in this man’s head. Kind of depressing. a little bit hilarious. extremely tacky Simply take a look at this Hum video for yourself: [[{“value”:”

You are not reading the same article. Michael Rapaport shocked many last year when he posted a rant on his website saying that “voting for Trump was on the table.” He just went on a foul-mouthed tirade today and confirmed once again that voting for Trump IS ON THE TABLE. Excuse the foul language, but this is what he said. “This is why I say that voting for Donald Trump is on my table. Voting for Pig is the same as voting for Donald Trump. Six illegal aliens jumped an NYPD cop in New York City the other day. They were NYPD’s best, they jumped a New York City police officer in Times Square. They were arrested and released with no bail. I know that it’s not just a city issue; it’s also a state issue. I know that. Stay with me. They were released without bail and walked out of the courtroom with a Detroit Red Wings jersey, while raising the middle finger. Let me ask you: What the f*ck has the world come to if a person from another country can beat up a police officer in New York City and walk out without bail? What the f*ck has the world come to?” “On that same day, Cadaver Joe Biden issued an executive order regarding four “settlers” who were in Judea Samaria (aka the West Bank). Some troublemakers. Three of the four were already arrested. You issue an order citing four troublemakers who have already been arrested in Judea Samaria, yet there is a war in progress and there are still over 100 hostages in Gaza. You talk about this, but you don’t have anything to say about the cops who were beaten up in New York City – the greatest city on Earth? If you can beat up cops, maybe my city is no longer the greatest city in the world. If you can beat up cops and get out of jail in the “greatest city” in the world, is our city the greatest on earth? Cadaver Joe Biden we see you. We see you. You don’t need to worry about the Israelis. They’re in Israel. Israel will take care. Worry about the cops being beaten up in Times Square, and walking out of jail without bail like Tupac; worry about this. This is why voting Pig Donald Trump remains on the table.” Watch this video: Is NYC The Greatest City in the World?Maybe Not!! !

Another reason to vote

D!ck Stain is now available!!! !

Full Rant is on the @iamrapaport :https://t.co/76VJ2nnuwf pic.twitter.com/SikcI7fCOG — MichaelRapaport (@MichaelRapaport) February 2, 2024 Here’s more, from Fox News: Comedian and staunch critic of former President Trump Michael Rapaport unleashed a scathing rant against New York City’s immigration problems and President Biden’s priorities this week, suggesting that if Biden doesn’t deal with the problems here at home, voting for Trump is “on the table.” Rapaport shared a video to X Friday railing against the recent news story about illegal immigrants in New York City beating up cops and then being released shortly after the altercation. Rapaport was furious that the Biden Administration had been tougher on foreign than domestic issues, such as a record migrant influx. He opened the clip with a fist slamming on a table.

Michael Rapaport, a comedian, slammed Biden’s administration for not prioritizing migrant crisis that is ravaging New York City. He warned that voting for the former President Trump was “on the table.”

He said, “The other night in New York City six illegal aliens jumped on a New York City police officer. NYPD’s finest. They jumped a New York City police officer in Times Square, were arrested and released with no bail.” The incident occurred this week and was caught on surveillance footage. The footage showed two cops grappling with multiple migrants and being kicked. Rapaport noted that several of the men arrested in the incident were released on bail, and four of them may have used fake names to get travel vouchers to flee the city to California. Rapaport was furious at the news, and commented on recent footage that showed one of the migrants flipping a camera off as he left a New York City Courtroom. “Released without bond.” “What the f—- is the world coming too if you can be from another country and beat up a police officer in New York City, then walk out without f —- bond? If you missed Michael Rapaport’s rant last year, check out this video: Michael Rapaport FLAGGED by Instagram! That was quick! Michael Rapaport, who has spent 8 years as one of the most vocal “Never Trumpers”, released a viral video complaining about the economy – comparing it to being less desirable than having a colonoscopy – and then said that voting for Trump was on the table. You gotta love it! Here’s the funny part …. The “thieves”, over at Instagram, quickly turned against the actor and warned him about posting “False information”. Hilaroius! Wow ….that’s quick! They got him! pic.twitter.com/beRwM2r2Ha — DailyNoah.com (@DailyNoahNews) November 21, 2023 Here’s what the warning looked like according to reports: Yep, @Timcast , Instagram is censoring Michael Rapaport. pic.twitter.com/I50JV0B96v — Erika Stephens, Free Speech Enthusiast (@BalkyHillMama) November 21, 2023 In the interest of full disclosure, I tested it myself and did NOT receive the warning message, so perhaps Instagram has seen the online mockery and (temporarily?) The warning has been removed. We will continue to monitor. We covered the original story earlier this week. Rapaport said he could vote TRUMP. Actor and Anti-Trumper, Famous Anti-Trumper, Now Ready to Vote for TRUMP in 2024! Sorry, I should have said “famous”. I’m not certain how famous this guy is. Have you heard about him? Michael Rapaport? What about “D-List Famous Anti Trumper and Actor “…”? Or what about “Infamous?” Michael Rapaport, a guy who calls himself a Comedian/Actor, has had a severe case of Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS) for 8 years. But he shocked the world by going live online and announcing that he not only spoke to President Trump, but he will likely vote for him in the year 2024. It’s pretty incredible. Watch this short video: Famous “anti-Trumper”, now open to voting Trump 2024! Hell has officially frozen over or Joe Biden’s America, which is almost indistinguishable from Hell. But he will still call him “Pig D*ck Donald Trump”. Red man voting for Orange man! LFG and… pic.twitter.com/E38SxvuGwa — DailyNoah.com (@DailyNoahNews) November 17, 2023 Longer clip here, where he talks about having spoken with President Trump: Fugly Michael Rapaport Says He’s Had Conversation with Donald Trump and Voting for for Him is Now on the Table Why? * He can’t find a job

The economy is a mess

Mortgage rates are too high

The interest rates are too high

* Can’t afford a car or a home

* There’s no… pic.twitter.com/hRPHNb447N — MJTruthUltra (@MJTruthUltra) November 17, 2023 Fugly Michael Rapaport Says He’s Had Conversation with Donald Trump and Voting for for Him is Now on the Table Why? * He can’t find a job

* The economy is a mess

Mortgage rates are too high

The interest rates are too high

* Can’t afford a car or a home

* There is no law and Order

* Illegals are taking control

Even if Donald Trump votes for him, he will still call him Pig Dick Trump. You know what? I don’t mind that. Free Speech works in a similar way. But as always, this confirms one of the oldest and most reliable truths in politics, I believe first famously said by James Carville: “It’s the economy stupid!” People can go Far Left Woke and dream about Far Left ideals…..UNTIL…..it hits THEM in the pocketbook. People like Michael Rapaport who may have accumulated some money during his time in Hollywood might be able stay far left for longer than others, but when they can’t afford a home or a car or even get a job, even he will give up. It’s not you, it’s the economy! Everything that is wacky turns to sh*t! Eventually, people will realize this and say “Enough is Enough!” as they become poor. Michael is a hero for finally waking people up. Michael Rappaport has just gone on another unhinged breakdown over Trump, Russia and Ukraine. Michael Rappaport is semi-famous or was once, and claims to have been a comedian or was once… Kind of like Kathy Griffin. D List material, I guess. This guy is still living in Trump’s head almost two years after Trump left public office. Kind of sad. Funny. Very tacky. Watch Rumble for yourself.


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