The White House received a final ruling Friday on Title IX updates, the federal civil right law that prohibits sex-based bias in federally funded schools. Updates to the Title IX law could affect how schools respond to sexual abuse and codify protections of transgender students. The Education Department sent a regulation to…
A final decision on Title IX updates, the federal civil rights law that forbids sex-based discrimination at officially sponsored schools, was sent to the White House for review on Friday. Possible legal changes could affect how schools handle sexual misconduct and codify safeguards for transgender students. The regulation was sent to… by the Education Department. The White House received a final decision on Title IX updates, the federal civil rights law that forbids sex-based discrimination at federally sponsored schools, on Friday. The way that schools handle sexual misconduct and codify protections for transgender students could be determined by probable legal changes. The regulation was sent to… by the Education Department.
The White House received a final ruling Friday on Title IX updates, the federal civil right law that prohibits sex-based bias in federally funded schools. Updates to the Title IX law could affect how schools respond to sexual abuse and codify protections of transgender students. The Education Department sent a regulation to…