[[{“value”:”If I also have video of the DNC removing God from the Pledge, a reader emailed me today.
I thought it would be appropriate to share this with you once more now that I had found it.
Remind everyone who is preparing to cast their vote of everything that is on the ballot.
What a difference these election people make…
Never before has the decision been but obvious.
The Democrats, or what some of you have referred to them as the” DemonRats,” are on the left.
The Dems are occupied with trying to eradicate God from their innocent conscience, our culture, and our way of life.
According to their personal definition, they are “anti-God.”
Watch as they only this week omit” under God” from the Pledge of Allegiance:
NEW VIDEO: The LGBT Caucus purposefully omits the words” under God” from the Pledge of Allegiance at the# DemocraticNationalConvention. Watch. Two significant Democratic Party constituencies have now done this half. See the image from my previous tweet about the DNC Muslim Caucus. 2GIDcCMq1F on twitter.com
— David Brody, August 19, 2020 ( @DBrody Reports )
NEW! At this week’s# DemocraticNationalConvention Muslim Caucus meeting, Democrats omit the phrase” Under God” from the Pledge of Allegiance. Watch AJ Durrani, a delegate, skip it. The event featured speakers like @BernieSanders @RashidaTlaib & and @TomPerez @realDonaldTrump pic. twitter.com/Ra4SX2cqNy
— David Brody on August 19, 2020 ( @DBrody Reports )
It was n’t something new because they did it back in 2012.
President Trump, on the other hand, chastised them for it and insisted that it was in no way an accident.
Then he went one step farther by delivering a lovely and straightforward message:
Greetings on Sunday! God is what we seek! t.co/RsBkSEmJEi
— August 23, 2020, Donald J. Trump ( @realDonaldTrump )
You should watch the extremely potent video he links to.
There are just 4 minutes left.
On this Sunday, kindly watch and tell your family and friends:”}]] [[{“value”:”
A reader asked me today if I had any footage of the DNC removing God.
I found it, and I thought that it was a great time to share it with you again…
Remind those who are about to vote what is on the ballot.
What a contrast this election has brought us…
The choice has never before been so clear.
On the left, we have the Democrats or, as many of you have called them, “DemonRats”.
The Dems are trying to remove God, from our lives, from our culture and their guilty conscience.
By their own definition, they are “anti-God”.
Watch as they remove “under God” just this week from the Pledge of Allegiance:
NEW VIDEO: At the #DemocraticNationalConvention , LGBT Caucus purposely leaves out the words, “under God” from the Pledge of Allegiance. Watch. Watch. See my earlier tweet about DNC Muslim Caucus pic.twitter.com/2GIDcCMq1F
David Brody (@DBrodyReports), August 19, 2020
NEW! Democrats leave out, “Under God” from the Pledge of Allegiance at the #DemocraticNationalConvention Muslim Caucus meeting this week. Watch delegate AJ Durrani skip it. Featured speakers at the event were @BernieSanders @RashidaTlaib & @TomPerez @realDonaldTrump pic.twitter.com/Ra4SX2cqNy
David Brody (@DBrodyReports), August 19, 2020
It’s nothing new. They did it in 2012.
President Trump, on the other hand, called them out and said that it was not an accident.
Then he went one step further and sent out a simple, beautiful message:
Happy Sunday! We want GOD. https://t.co/RsBkSEmJEi
— Donald J. Trump August 23, 2020
The video he links is powerful and you should watch it.
It only takes 4 minutes.
Please share this video with your family and close friends.