
Florida COVID-19 Statewide Grand Jury Releases First Findings

[[{“value”:”Gov. The Florida nationwide great jury filed a petition. On COVID- 19, Ron DeSantis published its initial findings on Friday, including lockdowns, mask, and protein jabs.
In a thread sent to X, Florida’s Voice posted some of the preliminary findings from the great jury.
The jury “issued findings on the use of lockdowns and masks to contain COVID-19” in its initial report. We have always had reliable RCTs that showed statistically significant benefits as proof of their effectiveness against SARS-CoV- 2 transmission, the outlet said.
Health organizations and the provincial government were criticized by the grand jury for “failing” to provide Americans with accurate information about masks. The outlet continued,” They hid to ] avoid the embarrassment of the public health advice they supported being disproven by evidence.
Health organizations and the provincial government were also criticized by the grand jury for “fail]ing” to properly inform Americans about masks.
” They hid to ] avoid the potential embarrassment of the evidence disproving the public health advice they supported.
February 2, 2024, Florida’s Voice ( @FLVoiceNews )
It is not nearly as important how far apart people are from one another as it is whether they are in an interior or exterior environment and whether that environment is subject to adequate airflow, Florida’s Voice noted.” The jury found the public was even misled on” cultural distancing.”
The outlet continued,” On lockdowns, the grand jury found that their use just “modestly” benefited the “affluent” who could afford to stay home at the expense of children and Americans through age 40 .”
The grand jury concluded that lockdowns only “modestly ]ly” benefited the “affluent” who could afford to stay at home at the expense of children and Americans through the age of 40.
February 2, 2024, Florida’s Voice ( @FLVoiceNews )
” ON VACCINES: According to the jury, the national organizations in charge of approving vaccines have thwarted their attempts to gather testimony. According to the outlet, some experts have expressed worries about” consequences” if they testified before the grand jury.
Some possible witnesses have chosen not to testify, frequently citing the possibility of professional or specific repercussions from their participation in the Statewide Grand Jury process. It continued,” Future witnesses have raised concerns about the actual fairness of this body.
” Some potential witnesses have declined to give testimony, frequently citing the possibility of their involvement in the Statewide Grand Jury process having an impact on their professional or personal lives.”
” Future witnesses have expressed doubts about this body’s fundamental fairness.”
February 2, 2024, Florida’s Voice ( @FLVoiceNews )
The grand jury invited government organizations and potential witnesses to” come to Tampa and offer sworn testimony” even though it had not yet issued any compelling or solid findings on vaccines or vaccine manufacturers. Florida’s Voice continued,” There are still many months to go.”
Less: The grand jury invited government organizations and potential witnesses to” come to Tampa and offer sworn testimony” even though it has not yet reached a firm or compelling conclusion regarding vaccines or vaccine manufacturers.
“https: //t” says,” There are still many months to go.” co/XwHCFFWcAy
— February 2, 2024, Florida’s Voice ( @FLVoiceNews )
Additional information from Florida’s Voice:
The great jury stated that the issue of the vaccines was much more complex and could not be resolved in a “vacuum,” despite the governor’s primary focus on COVID- 19 vaccine manufacturers and their promotion of vaccine efficacy. The initial report drew conclusions primarily on lockdowns and masks.
Additionally, it claimed that efforts to get testimony from representatives of organizations like the CDC, FDA, and U.S. Army were never supported by the Biden administration.
The grand jury lacks strong legal authority to compel testimony from relevant parties, which may be its biggest barrier in pursuing DeSantis ‘ goal of holding vaccine manufacturers accountable.
Federal law forbids us from requiring their cooperation, according to the statement,” These agencies have elected not to provide representatives to testify before this body.”
The jury further stated that some “prospective witnesses” expressed doubts about whether the great jury would be “fair” and claimed that potential witnesses would decline to testify due to “potential professional or personal consequences.”
The grand jury ruled that without taking into account the risk of COVID-19, it is impossible to determine the” truth” of claims about the vaccines ‘” safety” and “effectiveness.”
Tracy Beanz, editor in chief of UncoverDC, even examined the verdict of the grand jury.
Federal agents and officials declined to give testimony and cannot be coerced. Additionally, the report acknowledges exaggerated figures brought on by cash incentives that helped hospitals, Beanz wrote.
Federal agents and officials declined to give testimony and cannot be coerced. Additionally, the report admits that the numbers are exaggerated because of the cash incentive that benefits hospitals. pic. twitter.com/0w0CKW0exM
— February 2, 2024, Tracy Beanz ( @tracybeanz )
Beanz continued,” G J acknowledges inflated death numbers arising from passing with’ more than’ from’COVID.
She continued,” Acknowledges a cash “death” benefit granting hospitals and families who consented to “COVID” death as monetary incentive.
acknowledges a cash “death” benefit that hospitals and families received as payment for “COVID” death as well. pic. QPNKINWvBH on twitter.com
February 2, 2024, Tracy Beanz ( @tracybeanz )
” Attempts by proponents of lockdowns, school shut down, etc. to “memory hole” COVID rulings claiming they lacked scientific data are futile.” Data was accessible, but it was attacked and disregarded. It was n’t a problem with the “information.” It was a” judgment” issue, Beanz continued.
Lockdowns were acknowledged to have no shield benefit and to be impossible in halting the spread, but media from China changed the minds of those who claimed they were ineffective. In other words, they were ineffective in halting the spread and *may* have delayed spread or “flattened” the curve in little targeted areas. Infection would always be the outcome. She continued,” It’s just how long it would have taken.
Masks had little to no effect on halting or slowing the spread of COVID, according to officials in our tax payer-funded organizations. All they wanted was to have you under control. Read it. take it all in. Recognize it. Beanz wrote,” Owe to let it not happen again.”
Masks had little to no effect on halting or slowing the spread of COVID, according to officials in our tax payer-funded organizations. They merely desired to subdue you.
Read it. take it all in. Recognize it. Make a commitment to not repeat it. pic. twitter.com/ElehM1nam8
— February 2, 2024, Tracy Beanz ( @tracybeanz )
Read the entire 33-page great jury report rightHERE.”}]] [[{“value”:”

The Florida statewide Grand jury was petitioned by Governor. Ron DeSantis’ COVID-19 report, which includes lockdowns and masks as well as mRNA injections, released their first findings on Friday.
Florida’s Voice posted a thread on X that shared some of the preliminary findings from the grand juries.
In its first report, a jury made findings about the use of masks and lockdowns to contain COVID-19. The outlet reported that “we have never had reliable RCTs which demonstrated statistically significant results” to prove their effectiveness in preventing SARS-CoV-2 spread.
“Further, on masks the grand jury scolded health agencies and federal government for “failing” to accurately inform Americans about masks. The outlet continued, “[They hid] to] avoid potential embarrassment if the public health advice that they advocated was invalidated by evidence.”

The grand jury also criticized the health agencies and federal government for “failing[ing]” in their efforts to inform Americans accurately about masks.
“[They hid] to avoid the potential embarrassment that their public health advice would be invalidated by the evidence.”
Florida’s Voice @FLVoiceNews February 2, 2024

Florida’s Voice reported that the jury found that the public had also been misled about’social distance’: “It does not matter how far people are away from each other as long as they are in an environment with adequate airflow and whether it is interior or exterior.”
The outlet continued, “On lockdowns the grand jury found that they were only used’modest[ly] to benefit the ‘affluents’ who could afford stay home at the cost of children and Americans up to age 40.”

The grand jury found that lockdowns were only used “modestly” to benefit the “affluent”, who could afford to stay at home, at the expense of children as well as Americans up to age 40.
Florida’s Voice @FLVoiceNews February 2, 2024

“VACCINES: the jury stated that the federal bodies in charge of vaccine approval had obstructed their efforts to get testimony. The outlet also reported that some professionals cited fears of ‘consequences,’ if they testified in front of the grand jury.
“Some prospective witnesses have chosen not to testify citing possible professional or personal consequences that may arise from their involvement in the Statewide Grand Jury Process.”

Some prospective witnesses have chosen not to testify citing possible professional or personal consequences that may arise from their involvement in the Statewide Grand Jury Process.
“Prospective witnesses raised concerns about the fairness of this organization.”
Florida’s Voice @FLVoiceNews February 2, 2024

Florida’s Voice said that the grand jury had not yet issued any conclusive or strong conclusions on vaccines or manufacturers, but invited government entities and potential witnesses to “come to Tampa” and give sworn testimony.

The grand jury has not yet issued any conclusive or strong conclusions on vaccines or manufacturers, but invited government entities and potential witnesses to “come and give sworn testimony in Tampa”
There are still many months to go. “https://t.co/XwHCFFWcAy
Florida’s Voice @FLVoiceNews February 2, 2024

Florida’s Voice has more:
The governor’s primary focus was on COVID-19 manufacturers and their advertising of vaccine efficacy. However, the first report focused primarily on lockdowns and face masks. The grand jury concluded that the issue of vaccines is more nuanced, and cannot be answered in “vacuum.”
It was also claimed that the Biden Administration did not cooperate in efforts to obtain testimony of officials representing agencies such as the CDC, FDA, and U.S. Army.
The grand jury lacks the legal authority to force relevant parties to testify. This is perhaps the biggest obstacle for DeSantis in his quest to hold vaccine manufacturers accountable.
It said: “These agencies have chosen not to send representatives to testify in front of this body and federal law prohibits our requiring their cooperation.”
The jury also stated that “prospective witness” expressed concerns about the “fairness” of the grand jury and that “potential personal or professional consequences” would prevent some witnesses from testifying.
The grand jury stated that it could not determine the “truth”, of statements made about the “safety” or “effectiveness” regarding vaccines, without the context of COVID-19.
UncoverDC’s editor-in-chief Tracy Beanz has also reviewed the findings of the grand jury.
“Federal officials refused to testify, and they can’t be forced. Beanz wrote that the report also acknowledges inflated figures due to cash incentives benefiting hospitals.

Officials and agencies of the federal government refused to testify, and they cannot be forced. Further, the report acknowledges that inflated numbers are due to cash incentives benefiting hospitals. pic.twitter.com/0w0CKW0exM
Tracy Beanz (@tracybeanz), February 2, 2024

Beanz continued, “GJ acknowledges that the death numbers are inflated because COVID was passed ‘with’ instead of ‘from’ GJ.
“Additionally acknowledges a cash “death” benefit, granting hospitals and family members who agreed to a ‘COVID death’ a financial incentive,” added she.

Also, acknowledges that hospitals and families who accepted “COVID” death will receive a financial incentive. pic.twitter.com/qPNKINWvBH
Tracy Beanz (@tracybeanz), February 2, 2024

“Attempts by those who support lockdowns, closures of schools, etc. to’memory-hole’ COVID’s decisions stating that they did not have scientific data is futile. Data was available, but it was ignored and attacked. It wasn’t a problem of ‘information.’ It was a “judgement” problem,” Beanz continued.
“Lockdowns have been acknowledged as not having a net benefit, and being implausible to stop the spread. But media coming out of China has changed the minds of those who said they didn’t work. They were useless at stopping the spread and, in small areas, *might* have ‘flattened the curve’. The outcome would always be infection. It’s just a matter of how long it would have taken,” she continued.

“Officials at our tax-payer funded agencies knew that masks were ineffective for stopping or slowing down the spread of COVID. They wanted to control you. Read it. Absorb it. Understand it. Beanz wrote: “Vow to never let it happen again.”

Officials in our taxpayer-funded agencies knew that masks were not effective at stopping or slowing down the spread of COVID. They wanted to control you.
Read it. Absorb it. Understand it. Promise to never let it happen again. pic.twitter.com/ElehM1nam8
Tracy Beanz (@tracybeanz), February 2, 2024

You can read the entire 33-page grand jury report HERE.


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