In an interview conducted last week, Vice President Harris said that she is ready to serve as president. This was in response to concerns raised about President Biden’s age. “I am ready for service.” Harris told the Wall Street Journal that there was no doubt about it when asked about convincing voters that she was up for the job. Those who have seen her work are…
In an interview last week, Vice President Harris stated that she is prepared for the presidency despite worries about President Biden’s advanced age. I’m prepared to serve. When asked about the difficulty of persuading voters that she is qualified for the position, Harris replied to the Wall Street Journal,” There is no question about that. Those who view her work… In an interview last week, Vice President Harris stated that she is prepared for the presidency despite worries about President Biden’s advanced age. ” I am prepared to serve. When asked about the difficulty of persuading voters that she is qualified for the position, Harris replied to the Wall Street Journal,” There is no question about that.” Those who view her work…
In an interview conducted last week, Vice President Harris said that she is ready to serve as president. This was in response to concerns raised about President Biden’s age. “I am ready for service.” Harris told the Wall Street Journal that there was no doubt about it when asked about convincing voters that she was up for the job. Those who have seen her work are…