
HEADS UP: Please Do Not Get Conned By The “TRB Checks”

[[{“value”:”Well, this is being covered for the EIGHTH time.
I find it hard to believe.
However, since I only received an email about it, I’m covering it once more.
It’s amazing how intense and widespread this scam is.
a succinct response?
No, they are n’t real.
They are a 100 % scam perpetrated by an expert Trash con artist who will not give up!
I simply had to ban someone on Telegram last month because they were upset with ME over the TRB Checks.
They were certain they were authentic.
Additionally, I frequently receive emails like these:
That email is from Donna, whose past name has been changed for privacy.
Yes, I am aware that the email comes off as a small passive-aggressive and condescending, but let’s move past that to demonstrate just how cunning these con artists are.
They’ve persuaded poor Donna that the” TRB Checks” are genuine and supported by Trump, and if they just purchase enough of them, they’ll soon become millionaires!
But depressing.
And so terrifying that people are losing their hard-earned money to fraud.
The con artists are This skilled that they convince people like Donna to the point where they send me passive-aggressive small emails with the phrase” Did I misunderstand?” They’ve only shown me how mistaken I am, as if it were some great mic-drop moment.
Hopium is an effective medication.
Additionally, it is Little simpler to con someone than to persuade them that they have been conned, as the adage goes.
That’s real.
But even so, I’ll keep trying because I detest seeing people taken advantage of!
Let’s look at the video Donna sent me, then.
I’m going to post it below, but I merely intend to use it as a teaching tool.
Okay, let’s watch:
V=XG4U_td0KDY https ://www.youtube .com/watch
How sneaky!
It’s never a news broadcast, despite what they try to make it appear to be.
It’s a hoax.
They give the impression that Donald Trump recently promoted TRB checks.
Look! They actually exist! ( People like Donna will remark )
Charlie, I’m sad.
If you look more closely, you’ll see that all they did was use stock footage of Trump.
There is n’t even a video of Trump endorsing or mentioning the TRB Checks.
Heck, I doubt he’s also aware of this con!
The ( fake )” News Anchor” claims in a Newscaster-sounding voice that Trump rolled out the TRB checks today after using video of him on screen.
Pure con, but incredibly persuasive!
If you look at the relevant YouTube channel, you’ll see that it only has 23 Followers, is n’t a true news channel at all, and only scam videos about TRB Checks are posted there.
Simply put, it’s a scam.
Nevertheless, Donna was caught despite my numerous warnings.
Do n’t let it get you down.
It would be better for you to burn your money than to purchase one of these completely useless TRB checks.
Do n’t claim that I failed to warn you ( six times ).
Here’s more from my earlier forewarnings:
The Truth Behind The” Trump” TRB Checks! SCAM ALERT
This is an update to a story I’ve already told you Three times.
Even though I find it hard to believe, I will continue to cover this if it prevents yet ONE person from being taken advantage of.
But, this is the most recent…
But today, a scammer broke into our Telegram group chat and posted this SPAM/SCAM message:
which prompted these people to inquire about it right away:
Brenda and Ray deserve praise for seeing right through it.
Unfortunately, not everyone does, and the con artists are probably profiting from this scam by making HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS of dollars.
It is ill.
One person wrote to me crying, claiming that they were fixed-income retirees who had saved money and skipped all Christmas presents in order to purchase one of these TRB Checks and the ridiculous” Handbook” because they believed it would soon be worth millions of dollars.
Sadly, I had to tell them that it would n’t.
Devestated, they were.
I’ll continue to post this and warn people because of this.
I do want to be clear about one more thing.
Clickbank is handling this very properly after we brought it to their attention.
Below, they are not at fault.
They immediately seized upon this, and they are now actively pursuing and STOPPING the fraud.
In fact, I anticipate that they will immediately collaborate with law enforcement to find all of these false payments and, ideally, bring charges against the perpetrators.
Generally, this is what took place.
The “product” is not necessarily bad on its own.
It’s an absurd much Trump memento.
That’s okay if you want to purchase one of those amazing items so you can have a nice collection of memorabilia.
Therefore, allowing that to be sold on Clickbank is perfectly acceptable, and the company has done nothing improper.
The issue and the scam start when the con artist takes that item and persuades thousands of Telegram users that it will immediately be worth millions of dollars and that you will be the “next millionaire.”
Folks, that is his SCAM city for you.
For more information and to ensure that YOU are not duped, keep reading.
I find it hard to believe I have to keep posting this, but I’ll keep doing it until I stop running into these scams everyday.
Because I’m sick of witnessing people’s hard-earned money being stolen from them.
I not criticize anyone for selling goods or making money, which is great for you!
That is referred to as capitalism.
But I absolutely detest con artists!
Let’s begin with the fundamentals.
If you come across a post like this, you must realize that IT IS A SCAM!
I detest every aspect of this.
I detest how people are being conned using President Trump’s name and photo.
No, you wo n’t purchase” Trump Bucks” or” Trump Checks,” and one day you’ll be able to turn them into thousands of dollars.
That is also referred to as FRAUD and a SCAM.
There wo n’t be a NESARA or GESARA where these fake documents will one day be worth millions of dollars.
I’ve been challenged about this in so many emails from people who are adamant that it is true that I am furious.
I feel so terrible for them and it’s so terrible.
The cash outside is” just around the corner,” they all claim.
It’s not at all.
I apologize.
And take a look at that post uptop…
There is always one more thing.
To” cash out,” you must now purchase a” TRB Notebook.”
makes me incredibly angry.
Purchase 10 workbooks to make more money!
However, the renowned adage is now more accurate than ever:
” Fooling People Is Easier Than Persuading Them That They Have Been Fooled.”
So feel free to email me and let me know how mistaken I am and how your” TRB Checks” will be worth millions in the coming weeks.
Or are those months?
Without a doubt immediately!
However, I’ll politely inform you that you were duped.
They even acknowledge this ( I’m sure thinking it’s a legal disclaimer ) at the bottom of the fraudulent sales page:
Therefore, if anyone is preparing to email me to argue, all you need to do is read the bottom of their page to know it’s untrue.
But today for the crucial part…
Are you curious as to WHY these are pushed so difficult?
And we’re not simply discussing a few dollars either.
What they are providing to those who will purchase their product is listed under.
I’ll simplify it for you because you might never understand what all of these phrases mean.
With each sale they make, these people make an average of$ 290.18!
Ah, do you see today?
I’ll say it again: I have no issue with anyone selling anything.
It’s sort of how things are in our world.
Everyone who reads this is employed in some capacity, and regardless of whether you are employed by a company or work for yourself, you make money by providing services or selling goods.
And it’s great for you if you make a lot of money!
That implies that you gave the world a lot of value that people valued!
EXCEPT… Only if you purchase 10 TRB Workbooks then will you be able to guarantee that people will soon be worth millions of dollars.
I feel like throwing up only typing it.
I’m hoping that by doing this, someone will be helped and prevented from being duped.
I warned everyone in a related post I posted next month.
DO NOT BE Conned; These Are No True!
This is a public service announcement from me, Noah, on behalf of yours really!
I receive emails from people asking if the” Trump Card” is true about one to two times per week.
The” Diamond Trump Check” is the most recent iteration.
Other variations include the TRB Checks, Black Check, and Black Diamond Card.
They are promoted by nonsense like this:
Ok, too:
In fact, I was really questioned about these in another email today.
I take great pride in being a reliable source of information.
Specific information was blocked in this email:
I’m so glad to respond, and I appreciate you trusting me sufficiently to email me about it.
Additionally, P. S. — I adore you; yes, he is!
Then to respond to your query:
READ MY LIPS…these are not real, to quote an ( evil ) past president.
I do n’t want people to buy things with no value or fall for scams.
But, this is my announcement to you all about people service!
These are NOT true, though.
No, Trump does not support these.
No, there is no connection between these and Trump.
I’m hoping that’s helpful!
However, there is a ton of great stuff available.
Let me show you something REAL if you’re looking for something that really has value, is a really great commemorative Trump memento, and could increase in value significantly over time as the price of silver rises.
This is from my friends at DISME Coins, who are from…
Is This The Best DISME Coin But?WWG1WGA
I really wanted to show you this brand-new coin from DISME. I adore it so much.
This one is close to the top of the list, though it’s difficult to choose a favorite.
Both the Also My President, which you can see below and is now nearly sold out, and the Trump MAGA Lion are up that:
But let’s talk about the most recent one, which I absolutely adore!
I adore it, and do n’t you think they did a fantastic job with the design?
View it around.
Some of the earlier coins had” Pence” written on the back, but you’ll notice that it has since been removed and is now marked with” 45th.”
little better!
Additionally, keep in mind that the mintage of all fresh coins is limited to 4500.
That indicates that after they are gone, they really are!
And as of the time this article was written, there were just 687 left.
Make it 3, 142, and I’ll buy 10 eventually today!
I often purchase the newest coins for my collection.
Because after they leave, they never return! run with restrictions!
It’s the actual deal, never marketing gimmick.
Limited runs keep everyone’s value higher.
The really amazing thing is right here. In addition to having the constrained mintage stamped on the back, they also have the coin’s edge stamped with the Coin# from the mint.
Why I Pick DISME To Work With
Therefore, out of the 4500 you received, you will be certain of which number!
Pretty cool.
So why am I purchasing silver?
Also, because it appears to me that the Game Stop shorts and the Silver Shorts will soon be identical.
” Taking it in the shorts,” to put it another way!
I’m not an investment advisor, so I ca n’t tell you what to do; all I know is what I do. Additionally, I adore having my own real silver coins.
gives me a great feeling!
I do n’t give a damn if the stock market crashes because I have my silver safely stored in my vault.
And this is yet another justification.
Bo Polny, a friend of mine, recently appeared on my show and said he believes silver is about to surpass$ 100/oz.
Oh, my!
Keep a safe eye on Rumble these:
If you’d like to read more, here are a few more.
The best is yet to come:
One of my all-time favorites, and I keep a sizable collection of these coins in my home safe.
The RINO Hunter and the Donkey:
Since this coin is a presale, you are only seeing the artistic rendering of it; the real coin has not yet been minted.
This one is one of my favorites right now, and I definitely adore it.
The Second Amendment’s Protector:
You MUST check out the copper coins if the silver coins are a little to expensive for your taste.
They are made of 99.9 % real copper, which is an investment grade, and they are absolutely stunning!
Take a look at this beauty:
Oh, and there’s still something…
All fresh DISME coins have 45 on the back, including the three that were included in the giveaway.
It appears like this:
Are n’t they lovely?
Why I Pick DISME To Work With”}]] [[{“value”:”

This is the EIGHTH occasion that I have covered this topic.
I can’t believe what you just said.
But I’m going to cover it again, because someone emailed me.
This scam is so aggressive and pervasive that it’s unbelievable.

Short answer:
No, they are not real.
They are a scam that is 100% by a piece SHIT scammer who will not stop!
Last month, I had to ban someone from Telegram because they were mad at ME about the TRB checks.
They were convinced that they were real.
I also keep getting emails that look like this:

This email is from Donna.
I know the email is passive aggressive and condescending but I want to show how clever these scammers are.
They’ve convinced Donna that “TRB Checks”, which are endorsed by Trump, are real. If they buy enough of them, they’ll become millionaires soon!
It’s so sad.
It’s so frightening that people are being conned of their hard-earned money.
The scammers are so good at convincing people that they send me passive-aggressive emails that end with “Did you misunderstand?” like it’s a great mic drop moment and they just proved me wrong.
Hopium is an extremely powerful drug.
As the famous saying goes: “It is MUCH easier to deceive someone than to convince them that they have been deceived.”
So true.
But I will continue to try because I don’t want people to be scammed!
Let’s look at the video Donna has sent me.
I will post it here, but only for educational purposes.
Please do not buy what they are selling in this video — it’s pure fraud!
Now watch:
How clever!
They make it seem like a news program, but it is not.
It’s a fraud.
They make it appear as if Donald Trump just promoted the TRB check.
See! They’re Real! They’re Real!
Sorry Charlie
You will see that they used stock footage of Trump.
There is no video of Trump endorsing TRB Checks, or even mentioning the TRB checks.
Heck, I doubt that he knows about this scam!
They use video of him on screen and then the (fake) “News Anchor” claims in a Newscaster-sounding-voice that Trump rolled out the TRB checks today.
Pure fraud but very convincing!
Look at the YouTube channel and you will see that it only has 23 followers. It’s not even a news channel. Every video they upload are just scam videos regarding TRB Checks, and there is nothing else “news” about their channel.
It’s a scam.
It hooked Donna despite my repeated warnings.
Do not let it get you.
TRB Checks are worthless and you’d be better off burning your money than buying them.
Don’t say that I didn’t warn (six times).
I’m back with more from my previous warnings…
SCAM ALERT! The truth behind the TRB checks “Trump”!
This is a new update to a story that I’ve told you FOUR times before…
I can’t believe I have to continue covering this. But I will not stop if I can protect even ONE person against being ripped off.
Here’s the latest…
This SPAM/SCAM message was posted by a scammer who infiltrated Telegram’s group chat today.

This immediately led to people asking about it.

Brenda and Ray are to be commended for seeing right through the ruse.
Unfortunately, not everyone is aware of this scam. The scammers likely make HUNDREDS THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS from it.
It’s SICK.
One person sent me an email in tears, saying that they were retired and on fixed incomes. They had saved up and forgone all Christmas gifts to buy a TRB Check and the stupid “Handbook”, thinking it would be worth millions.
I had to tell them that it was not true.
They were devastated.
This is why I will not stop warning people and posting this!
I would like to clarify one more thing…
We brought this matter to Clickbank’s attention, and they are handling the situation extremely well!
It is not their fault.
They’re on it right away and are all over finding and stopping the fraud.
I am sure that they will soon be working together with law enforcement to track down all these fraudulent payments, and hopefully prosecute those who are responsible.
Here’s the basic story.
The “product” itself is not bad.
It’s a little Trump collectible.
If you want to purchase one, that’s cool. You can have a nice collector’s item.
Clickbank did nothing wrong by allowing this product to be sold.
The scam is when the scammer takes the product and tells thousands of people via Telegram that it will soon be worth millions, and that you’ll be the “next billionaire”.
This is the Scam city, people.
Read on to learn more about how to avoid being scammed …..

I’m not sure why I have to post this every day, but I won’t stop until I no longer see these scams everywhere.
I’m tired seeing people get scammed out their hard-earned money.
I never blame anyone for making money, or selling products – good for you!
Capitalism is what we call it.
I hate scammers to the core!
Let’s start from the basics ….
If you see this post, please be aware that it is a scam!

I hate this.
I hate that they are using President Trump’s image and name to scam people.
No, you won’t be able to convert “Trump Bucks”, “Trump Checks”, or “Trump Dollars” into thousands of dollars.
This is a SCAM, and it can also be called FRAUD.
These fraudulent documents will not be worth millions of dollars one day.
I’m a little mad because I have received so many emails from people who are convinced that this is real.
It’s sad and I feel bad for them.
All of them say that the cashout is “just around corner ….”
It’s not.
I’m sorry.
Look at the post above.
There’s always something more.
You must now purchase a “TRB Notebook”, in order to “cash-out”.
It makes me so angry.
Buy 10 workbooks and get more cashback!
This infamous quote has never been more true than it is today.

“It is easier to fool people than to convince them that they have been fooled”

Go ahead and email me to tell me that I’m wrong and that your “TRB checks” will be worth millions of dollars in the future within a few weeks ….
What is the correct term for months?
But I’ll tell you that you have been conned.
They even admit it at the bottom of their scammy sales page (I’m certain thinking that this is a legal disclaimer).

Just read the bottom of the page to see that it’s not true.
Now for the most important part…
Want to know WHY these are pushed so hard?
We’re not talking about a few dollars either.
Below is what they offer people who sell their product.
You may not understand all the meanings of these phrases, so let me simplify them for you…
The average sale earns these people $290.18!

Ahhhh, do you now see?
I’ll repeat it: I have no objection to anyone selling anything.
It’s a little like how our world works.
Every reader has a job, and whoever you work for or are self-employed, you will sell some products or provide some service to earn money.
If you earn a lot of cash, well done!
This means that you have provided a lot value to the world and people like it!
…. if you promise that TRB Bucks are soon worth millions of dollars, but only after you buy 10 TRB Workbooks.
Just typing this makes me want to vomit.
I hope that this will help someone and prevent someone from being scammed.
Here’s another post I made last week warning everyone…
WARNING! These are NOT real, don’t be fooled!
This is a public-service announcement from me, yours truly…Noah.
About 1-2 emails a week ask me if the “Trump Card is real”.
The “Diamond Trump Check” is the latest version.
The Black Diamond Card, Black Diamond Check, and TRB Checks are all variations of the Black Check.
This is how they get promoted:

Here is a link:

In fact, today I received another email asking if they were real.
I am honored to be a trusted information source (I work hard at it).
Here is the email with all personal information removed:

Thank you for contacting me. I’m happy to answer your question.
Also, P.S. Also, P.S. Yes, he is!
Answering your question now
Read my lips…these aren’t real, to quote a (evil) former-President.
I don’t think people should fall for scams, or pay for things that have no value.
This is my public service message to you all!
These are NOT real.
No, they are not endorsed by Trump.
These items have NO connection to Trump.
I hope this helps!
There is a lot to see and do.
Let me show you a REAL item that has real value, is a cool Trump commemorative item, and could skyrocket in future value if the price for silver starts to rise.
The DISME Coins team is here to help you!
WWG1WGA – Is this the best DISME coin yet?
I absolutely love this new coin from DISME …..
It’s difficult to choose a favorite but this one is at the top of the list.
Still My President is also available, as you can see below, and is almost sold out.


Let’s now talk about the latest one that I love!
You’re right, they did a great job with the design.
Check it out here ….


You’ll notice that some of the older coins had “Pence” written on the back. This has now been removed and it reads 45th.
Much better!
Note that the mintage for all new coins is limited to 4500.
Once they’re gone they’re really gone!
As of the writing of this post, only 687 …. remain.

And I will buy another 10 later today. So, that’s 3,142!
I always purchase the latest coins to add to my collection.
Once they’re gone they’re Gone! Limited run!
It’s not marketing hype.
Limited editions help to keep the value of all products high.
Here’s something really cool ….not just the limited mintage is stamped on the back of the coin, but the Coin # within the mintage is actually stamped on the edge.
Why I choose to work with DISME
You will know the exact number you received out of 4500!
Very cool.
Why do I buy silver?
It looks like the silver shorts will end up looking the same as Game Stop shorts.
Other words, “taking the shorts!”
I’m not a financial advisor, and I can’t say what to you. I’m only telling you what I do ….and it’s great to have physical silver coins.
Makes me feel good!
Silver is safely stored in my vault. I don’t care if the stock market crashes.
Here’s another reason ….
Bo Polny, a friend of mine who appeared on my show recently, told me that he believes silver is about go over $100/oz.
Oh my!
Watch Rumble safely:

If you would like to see more …..
The best is yet to come:

One of my favorites! I have quite a few of these coins in the safe at my home.
The Donkey and RINO Hunter

This is a presale, so you can only see the artist’s rendering and not the actual coin because it has not yet been minted.
This is one of my favorite songs.
The Protector of 2nd Amendment

Copper coins are an excellent alternative to silver coins if the price of the silver coins is too high for you.
These beautiful copper coins are made from 99.9% pure investment grade copper!
Check out this beauty

Oh, and another thing…
All new DISME coins, including the three coins shown in the giveaway, have 45 on the reverse.
Looks like:

Aren’t these beautiful?
Why I choose to work with DISME


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