[[{“value”:”I have to admit, I used to be a big fan of the Comedy Central Roasts.
I say “used to” because I’m not sure if they do them anymore?
Probably too many people getting offended.
Yes, they were crude but I miss the days when you could roast someone and not worry about being “cancelled”.
Because even the worst burn was all in good fun and everyone was in on the joke.
Even Donald Trump.
You may not remember this but they did a Comedy Central Roast of Donald Trump right before he announced he was running for President in 2015.
And it was hilarious!
I have a few clips for you below (the full episode is behind a pay wall on Comedy Central), but what I really want to show you is Whitney Cummings’ talking about what happened behind the scenes.
The headline says Trump wanted her number (but then never called), but that’s not the part I found most interesting.
What I found most interesting is how they all respected Trump.
They all knew he was a brilliant entertainer, and I’m sure Whitney is probably about as Far-Left as they come, but listen as she talks about Trump in this clip and there is no animosity at all.
The people who really know Trump, who have worked with him, they all seem to know he’s a good guy.
It’s a short clip but I found it fascinating:
And now if you want some highlights from the Roast, I have those for you.
WARNING: don’t send me your hate mail about language or foul jokes.
That’s what a Roast is!
So if you don’t want to hear that, don’t click these links.
But for everyone else who wants to laugh a bit, watch this:
And the Trump comeback at the end:
This all reminds me of another Roast Trump did shortly thereafter.
One that got much more serious and turned much more dark.
Have you seen this?
Flashback To The EXACT MOMENT Where President Trump Declared War On The Swamp
I thought it was time to Flashback to the EXACT MOMENT when President Trump declared war on The Swamp.
I remember watching this live.
It was October 2016, just before Trump’s historic Election Win.
It started out all playful with everybody laughing and joking and grabassing.
And then it turned dark.
Dark and serious.
Dark when they realized this man was not joking.
He was declaring war.
We all know what happened next.
The Swamp fought back and now we’re coming up on the ultimate final chapter in the story where President Trump is about to swing back and finish what he started back in 2016.
Watch this short little teaser cut with a perfect music bed laid underneath it, and then scroll down for the FULL SPEECH:
Flashback….the exact moment Trump declared War on the Swamp pic.twitter.com/Zq8sGQK7v2
— DailyNoah.com (@DailyNoahNews) April 7, 2023
Such a historic moment.
Donald Trump (before he became president) walked in and took on the entire room.
It’s one of the seminal moments of his career, in my opinion.
Will be studied for decades to come.
The event is known for toasts that take on a “roast” vibe.
And as in all roasts, some can be hard-hitting but it’s meant to be all in good fun.
And I thought now was a VERY good time to revisit it.
Shall we?
When President Trump took the mic, we witnessed something the room was NOT ready for.
He started off with some good-natured jabs, but about halfway through the laughs stopped and it was clear he was no longer really joking.
I had written more about this before:
Do you remember when this happened?
It was during the campaigns, before the election.
It was at the Al Smith Charity Dinner, where the tradition is a friendly roast of each other.
Trump delivered what I believe to be one of his most masterful performances ever.
I believe he wrote the entire thing himself.
It started out lighthearted and funny, but towards the end he took some real shots and he wasn’t laughing anymore.
I believe he was telegraphing exactly what he intended to do to Hillary Clinton and the entire Deep State over the next 8 years.
Folks, just look at the crowd shots when the camera pans out…..this is the Lion’s Den of the Deep State, crawling with Swamp Things!
President Trump walked right into their den and punched them all in the mouth, and he did it under the guise and covering of comedy.
He had them laughing at their future demise, but you can start to see when the laughs turn to genuine concern near the end.
I recently came across the video again and whenever I see a link to it, I almost can’t help myself from watching it again.
It’s that good.
But a thought struck me this time as I was watching….
I really think this was Donald Trump’s declaration of war on the Deep State.
Watch for yourself here on Rumble:
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“}]] [[{“value”:”
I must admit that I used to be an avid fan of Comedy Central Roasts.
I say “used” because I am not sure if the do it anymore?
There are probably too many people who get offended.
Yes, they were crude, but I miss the old days when you could roast someone without worrying about being “cancelled”.
Everyone was in on the joke, even if the worst burns were all in good humor.
Even Donald Trump
You may not recall this, but Comedy Central did a roast of Donald Trump just before he announced that he would run for President in 2015.
It was hilarious!
I have some clips for you (the full episode can be viewed behind a paywall on Comedy Central), but I want to show you Whitney Cummings talking about what went on behind the scenes.
The headline claims that Trump wanted her phone number (but never called), but I didn’t find this part the most interesting.
What I found most fascinating is that they all respect Trump.
Listen to her talk about Trump and you will not hear any animosity.
People who know Trump well, and have worked with him in the past, all seem to agree that he is a good person.
It’s only a short clip, but I found it fascinating.
If you’d like to see some highlights of the Roast, here are a few.
Please do not send me any hate mail containing foul language or jokes.
What is a Roast?
If you don’t like to hear this, then don’t click on these links.
Watch this for anyone else who wants a little laugh:
The Trump comeback is at the end.
This reminds me of a Roast Trump that I did not long after.
One who became more serious and darker.
Have you seen this video?
Flashback to the EXACT MOMENT where President Trump declared war on the Swamp
I thought it would be a good idea to flashback to the EXACT MOMENT that President Trump declared war against The Swamp.
I remember watching it live.
It was October 2016, right before Trump’s historic election win.
The first few minutes were filled with laughter, joking, and grabassing.
Then it became dark.
Dark and serious.
Darkness fell when they realized that this man wasn’t joking.
He declared war.
We all know what followed.
The Swamp fought and now we are approaching the final chapter of the story, where President Trump will finish what he began in 2016.
Watch this short teaser with a perfect music background underneath, and scroll down to see the FULL SPEECH.
Flashback….the exact moment Trump declared War on the Swamp pic.twitter.com/Zq8sGQK7v2
DailyNoah.com April 7, 2023
This is a momentous occasion.
Donald Trump (before becoming president) entered the room and dominated the entire group.
I think it’s a seminal moment in his career.
The study of this issue will continue for many decades.
The event is known to have toasts that take a “roast-like” feel.
As with all roasts, there are some that can be a little hard-hitting. But it’s all in good humor.
I thought it was a good time to revisit the book.
Shall we?
The room was not prepared for what happened when President Trump took to the microphone.
He began with some good-natured jokes, but by the middle of the conversation, it became clear that he wasn’t really joking.
I had written about this earlier:
Do you remember this event?
Before the election, it was during the campaign.
The Al Smith Charity Dinner is where the tradition of friendly roasting each other is followed.
Trump gave what I consider to be his most masterful performance ever.
I think he wrote it all himself.
It started off lighthearted and funny but by the end, he had taken some serious shots and was no longer laughing.
I believe that he was telegraphing what he intended do to Hillary Clinton and to the entire Deep State in the next 8 years.
Look at the crowd shots as the camera pans out …..this the Lion’s Den of the Deep State crawling with Swamp Things.
President Trump walked into their den, punched them in the face and did it under the cover of comedy.
The laughter turned into genuine concern towards the end.
I came across this video again recently and I can’t stop myself from watching it whenever I see the link.
It’s just that good.
As I watched …., a thought came to me.
I think Donald Trump declared war on the Deep State.
Rumble is a great place to see for yourself.
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