
Look How Bill Gates Smiles When He Says “The Next Pandemic”

Find a woman who will smile at you in the same way that Bill Gates does when he considers” The Next Pandemic.” This guy is an absolute creep, man! You must watch this beautiful clip in which Bill Gates discusses the” Second Epidemic” to truly understand the joy in his eyes. Sicko. Look at how Bill Gates smiles when he says,” The second Superbug” picture. Backup here: Getting people ready for the upcoming onepic at twitter.com/V573mrDN8P—Daily NoahNews ) February 23, 2024. Is the vaccine safe? is a slightly older clip, but I just came across it again and it is stunning. Twitter.com/SEb1NJPmy N— Euphorio ( @euphorox ) February 22, 2024RELATED: Watch Bill Gates ‘ Reaction. Nobody has ever appeared more innocent in my opinion. The body language is incredible, as is the rambling, stumbling response to what ought to be a straightforward query. Is the vaccine safe, Bill? I’ll tell you what he omitted:” Yes.” And I feel awful for everyone who received the Moderna edition. Watch this: #genocide #vaccines @Josh WhoX@alex_meechan@Elizabe32413720 picture Wow, watch Bill Gates ‘ response when asked:” Is the Vaccine safe?” I’ve never seen anyone look more guilty in my life.Twitter.com/HB0ye7GYSG— DELTA 9 ( @DELTRA9_DELETA9 ) January 25, 2024 Backup version here if necessary. Now have a body language specialist explain this to us. extremely damning pic. Here’s more: Did Bill Gates Really Say” With Vaccines We Can Reduce World Pop By 10- 15 %”?http ://twitter.com/sGbwBs3hq1—Daily NoahNews ) January 25, 2024 It’s time for a Fact Check! Was what he saying true? Was what he saying sincere? Let’s get started. This quote, which comes from a man who has said some beautiful and horrifying things, is possibly the most stunning we’ve ever heard. Here is Bill Gates, a man without any kind of academic training, speaking at Ted Talk about how he wants to distribute his vaccines globally and believes that by doing “really good job,” the human population can be reduced by 10 to 15 %! Remember Bill Gates Ted Talk when he said that if we do a great job with the mRNA vaccines, we will depopulate the world by 10 to 15 %? He also says that it might need to “approach shut to zero.” They are also on their way to accomplishing that. Do n’t believe me? November 29, 2022, Theo Fleury (@TheoFleurY14 ). Just take a look at Bill Gates ‘ 2010 quote,” We can reduce that [global population ] by 10 to 15 % if we do really good job with new vaccines, health care, and reproductive health services.” Incredible how people make up justifications for this, denying Bill Gates ever said it pic. Twitter.com/WjNudyt0K1— Robin Monotti ( @robinmonotti ) January 28, 2023.” If we do a really good job with new vaccines, health care, and reproductive health services, we can lower that [world population ] by 10- 15 %.” Sophia Dahl ( @sophiadahl1 ) April 15, 2023 Twitter.com/LSJaTCLVyd It seems pretty obvious to me, what do you think? Okay, here’s one more: Bill Gates ( 2010 ):” If we do a really good job with new vaccines, health care, and reproductive health services, we can reduce that [world population ] by 10- 15 %. [ Incredible how people make up excuses for this. call up “fact checkers” denying this, etc. To be fair, let’s give the opposite end of the spectrum: twitter.com/Lrv0d4jS3N— Diane ( @snarky555 ) April 8, 2023. With all due respect to young Dylan, I believe you may be a bit young and naive, sir. This young lad, Dylan Nolan, believes he only “misspoke.” But you have a right to that viewpoint! Bitchute’s backup is provided here: [iframe src= “https: //www. Here is a list of ALL the spooky things Gates has said about depopulation, in case you think he just misspoke. Bitchute.com/embed/cCOlxBfZCN06/” width =”100 %” height=”360″ Or does the Bible actually mean when it says that” the mouth speaks from the abundance of the heart”? I believe you are aware of the solution. I suppose it’s working? If we do a really nice job with vaccines and biological healthcare, says Bill Gates
We can cut the world’s population by 15 % by sterilizing women and having children aborted. The Humble Genius Pianist ( @humbleGenius123 ) January 5, 2023, Twitter.com/PGFlAoceBA Oh, and you might as well make a few billion along the way too, right Bill? Why no, then? This is tone-deaf, yet for Bill Gates, as he admits to GROSS Vaccine Profit. or” Kill Gates,” as some of you have called him. because he appears to be hell-bent on murdering people. But this is quite bizarre even for him. We came across a video of Bill Gates bragging about how much money he has made from vaccines—OVER 20 – t0- 1! Wow, I had no idea you were supposed to make money off of lifesaving, but congratulations, Bill! Enjoy Hell, I mean, but congratulations! Throwback to when Bill Gates boasted about the enormous return on investment in vaccines on national television. pic. Bill Gates has served as the devils intern at twitter.com/xk9qguvoic since February 2, 2023. pic. Establishment Eradicator ( @wheresourLOGIC ) March 23, 2023 Now that I felt like those clips of Gates talking had been edited, I looked for the original interview and eventually found it. The videos WERE edited, but only for durational purposes. The images in the clips are exact to the letter. The clips are from 2019, a year before COVID hit, but how’s the thing. Gates may be one of the wealthiest people, but he is n’t the smartest person in the world, so it’s probably not a bad idea to boast about insane vaccine profits. To be completely honest, yet in 2019 but after COVID, this admission was a terrible idea. It actually hurts. Below is a copy of the CNBC clip in case anyone decides to delete it after realizing how offensive it is: Bill Gates acknowledges making “more than 20 to 1” vaccine returns! pic. Oh, and here he is talking about how they really screwed up on COVID… How it was n’t nearly as dangerous as they thought. Twitter.com/Ra4uHZ1WKR—Daily NoahNews ) March 25, 2023. A backup on Rumble for safe-keeping. Do you mean that we have been telling you since the beginning? Actually? Watch: According to Bill Gates, the vaccine poses a greater risk than Covid. pic. On March 23, 2023, Johnny Midnight ( @its_The_Dr ) tweets at twitter.com/IjSPy4KE3b. I also want to know why he seems to be in charge of running the world. Who gave him the title of World Ruler? Why should he be involved in a public health crisis, if any? He is merely a dork; he is not an expert in medicine, science, or perhaps computer science. Have you seen this, Bill Gates, by any chance? Here is his upcoming “project”:” Bill Gates and DFID Working To Put The Poison Vaxx In Cattle!” Interested in mRNA steaks? Would you prefer a well-done steak? Medium? Medium unique? I’m a medium-rare guy at the steakhouse, but you have to go exceptional because the food is often overcooked at non-steakhouses. Your master tip for the day is that. But regardless of your decision, it will soon include the mRNA poison vaxx as well! How great! And soon it wo n’t matter at all because they will all vanish if they are n’ted injected with mRNA! You’ve seen this, right? The number of beef cows in the United States drops to its lowest level since 1962— the food crisis intensifies **BUT KEEP READING, I HAVE THE SOLUTION DOWN BELO W** And who are we to thank? Bill Gates, of course! Or Kill Gates, as some of you have dubbed him, in honor of his propensity to cause death and destruction wherever he goes! Simply inquire of every young African child he jabbed. But that’s a different story, I digress. I want you to see his happy expression today as he announces his new collaboration with DFID to inject all of our cattle with the toxin mRNA vaxx. as a result:” science.” Duh! Watch as Bill Gates explains how he and DFID are integrating the JAB into our food supply. the cattle being injected! Evil, poisonous, vaxx, and cattle picture. More here: Bill Gates:” Well,” The Gate’s Foundation” has partnered with DFID on a great number of things, and among those are the work we do together on livestock. http ://twitter.com/VA9swgMR2p—Daily NoahNews ) February 25, 2023 either by having vaccines or better genetics, assisting animals in survival. “( Part 1 / 3 ) pic. Mad Mac ( @Revelation2041 ) January 12, 2023 and a longer video are available at twitter.com/auCTgwObGv: Look, I do n’t know about you, but I do not want mRNA in my meat. I desire to consume large, exquisite Black Angus Red meat in its natural state. You only need to know that they are attempting to poison the meat. Meat must be extremely healthy for you. Particularly meat that is devoid of antibiotics, growth hormone, chemicals, and most certainly mRNA! However, that kind of unadulterated meat is getting harder to find as a result of” Kill Gates” and his friends Klaus ( Anal ) Schwab. Why do large corporations pump this garbage into the cattle? In the case of Bill Gates, I believe he genuinely supports a depopulation agenda. for the remainder? Baby, it’s business! a sizable enterprise! Great, toxic business! The cattle are raised by these large companies in stalls with no room between them. The outcome? When one cow becomes ill, all of them do too! But guess what goes into your body when you eat them? They are continually pumped full of hormones and antibiotics to keep the operation going. What do you think goes into your children’s bodies? Always ponder why children enter puberty at a younger and younger age? They could n’t possibly be connected to eating meat that was loaded with cow steroids, could they? Enough about the issue, though. I not abandon you with a single issue. You’d better believe I have the answer! I’d like to introduce you to the pasture raised on tens of thousands of acres, Black Angus beef. Between all the cattle, there is complimentary roaming with plenty of open air. fed on grass. neither antibiotics nor hormones. Not! Oh, and it’s less expensive than Omaha Steaks! WHO LOVES ya baby, BOOM! the sole” catch”? It’s just an invitation. It’s a great thing you know someone who has the invitations. ( me! ) Go here and tell them Noah sent you: http ://bit.ly/3E5K89dIt’s the real deal, and because they do n’t raise the Black Angus like the big companies do, they might have the SHUT OFF invites if they grow too quickly. If you’d like to learn more and get a FREE personal invite, just go here. But please let me know as soon as you want in. Everything fits into a larger project I’ve only begun working on. Let me elaborate. I launched this website in 2015 because I had a mission in mind. I wanted to tell as some people the truth as I could. the reality that was n’t being discussed elsewhere. I began with the number0. Zero encounters… Zero funds Zero supporters… 0 readers… None of you, zero! Along the way, we’ve created a sizable community of Americans who adore America and want to restore its greatness. Currently, we have between 4 and 6 million readers per month on average! And once more, we’re expanding fairly fast. More significantly, the MISSION is expanding! But there has also been a lot of opposition. Oh, by no stretch of the imagination, it has n’t been simple. After having 1.5 million people Follow and Love our Page, we were DELETED from Facebook! Simply poof, gone one day! Emails sent to Junk or simply” disappeared” despite people signing up repeatedly, we’ve been censored on nearly every platform out it. In relation to email, we’ve had two email providers reject us because they went much to the left. Therefore, it has n’t always been simple. However, we are on a MISSION, and missions usually succeed. And today, I want to share with you how that mission has grown. Our goal has been to spread the truth to as some people as we can since Day 1. But I quickly understood that we require a parallel economy after being deleted, banned, and censored by nearly everyoneonline! Stop giving money to the businesses that despise us and want to see us go! Do you still recall the Georgia Guidestones? They genuinely stated that their goal was to reduce the population of the Earth from 8 billion to 500 million. It’s not a great deal, right? Just 94 % of all current residents have been eliminated. Despite the fact that we have n’t had much of a choice up until this point, we still shop at their large stores and send them money. Also, that has changed today. My mission EXPANDS today, and I ca n’t wait to get started! I’d like to introduce you to the answer. It’s time to” Make The Switch” and modify your monthly payment method. What if I told you that you could shop at the LAST pro- America, freedom-loving, British designer, manufacturer, and shipper of everything you buy each month instead of sending your money to Jeff Bezos, Costco, or Walmart? What if I told you that the goods are BETTER and frequently less expensive? Indeed, for true. What if I told you that this company has been doing this for the past 37 years and that it is the best-kept secret you have ever heard of? And their founder was once listed among the top 10 most” Dangerous Conservatives” in America by Barack Hussein Obama? ( a list I hope to compile one day! ) All of that is true, and I ca n’t wait to tell you about it. I also hope you’ll come along to the mission with me. Here is a brief summary of the business that I am so happy to have joined forces with on this mission: Does anyone different think it sounds good? I to! It’s Invite Just, which is why you’ve never heard of them. You ca n’t just go sign up; I can get you in. They are glad to say “no” to the Far-Lef Libs because they just want people on the same mission to join. They have been doing it for 37 years, and it has been extremely effective. Oh, and did I mention that the products are non-toxic and do n’t contain the same chemicals and garbage that all the major corporations use in their products to make you weaker? to wear you out? to make you and your family ill? Because you’ll buy their medications when you become ill! I apologize, but either my family nor I participate in that game. The LAST all-natural, grass-fed, hormone-free, huge beef cattle ranch in the US sounds great, right? We’re talking about chemical-free cleaners, Deet-Free mosquito repellent, and Fluoride Free Toothpaste! What tale ideas, am I correct? It’s an illusion of choice, so stop sending you money to these 11 businesses that do n’t have your best interests in mind. There is only one pro-American company left, one that is American-made and constructed, chemical-free, free of toxin and hormones, and I’m joining forces with them to FIGHT BACK! I’m with whom? Observe this:
As I previously stated, the invitation is entirely free and available at https ://welovetrump.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/02/maketheswitchraw.mp4. In fact, if you want in, I’ve put together a group of patriots who will personally arrange for you to be invited and signed off. Its name is” Patriotic Switch,” and I believe the name speaks for itself. People, there are n’t many strongholds left. This is a. And I’m completely in. Go here: http ://bit.ly/3E5K89dTell them Noah sent you, and I guarantee you’ll get a personal call, text, or email if you want to learn more and receive FREE personal invitations. Avoid panicking when you do. Additionally, make sure to let them know you’re interested in the Black Angus beef! If you request a Free Invite ( Link here: http ://bit.ly/3E5K89d ), someone from my Inner Circle WILL get in touch with you, so be prepared! I know I get worried when I receive messages from unknown numbers. These are wonderful people, and I believe you’ll enjoy having the opportunity to speak with them. Additionally, they will assist in setting you up. I’m with whom? Noah. s. Since each person receives individualized attention, we will take these in the order that they are received. Therefore, if you are excited, request your invitation right away or you risk being way down the list. I have a fantastic team, but they are limited in what they can accomplish and will just work on first-come-first-served basis. Visit http ://bit.ly/3E5K89d to request a free invitation.  [[{“value”:”

You should find a woman who smiles back at you in the same way Bill Gates does when he is thinking about “The Next Pandemic”. This guy is a creep! You must watch this amazing clip where Bill Gates speaks about the “Next Pandemic”. His eyes are filled with glee. Sicko. Check it out here: Look how Bill Gates smiles when he says “The next Pandemic” pic.twitter.com/V573mrDN8P — DailyNoah.com (@DailyNoahNews) February 23, 2024 Backup here: Gearing the people up for the next one pic.twitter.com/SEb1NJPmyN — Euphorio (@euphoriox) February 22, 2024 RELATED: Watch Bill Gates’ Reaction When Asked: “Is the Vaccine safe?” Yes, this is a little older clip, but I just came across it again and it is stunning. I’ve never seen someone look more guilty. The body language and the rambling, stumbling answer to a question that should be very simple is out of this world. Hey Bill, Is the vaccine safe? I’ll tell what he didn’t say …..”Yes”. I feel bad for all those who got the Moderna Version. Watch this: #genocide #vaccines @JoshWhoX@alex_meechan@Elizabe32413720 pic.twitter.com/HB0ye7GYSG — DELTA 9 (@DELTA9_DELTA9) January 25, 2024 Backup version here if needed: Wow…..watch Bill Gates’ reaction when asked: “Is the Vaccine safe?” I’ve never seen anyone look more guilty in my life! Can you please get a body-language expert to help us understand this? Very damning. pic.twitter.com/sGbwBs3hq1 — DailyNoah.com (@DailyNoahNews) January 25, 2024 Here’s more: FACT-CHECK: Did Bill Gates Really Say “With Vaccines We Can Reduce World Pop By 10-15%”? It’s time for a Fact Check! Did he say it? Did he mean it? Let’s dig into it… This is the most shocking quote we’ve heard from a man that has said many horrific and stunning things. Bill Gates, who has no scientific training, gives a Ted Talk on how he wants his vaccines to be rolled out worldwide. He thinks that if he “does a really good job”, he can reduce the human population by 10-15%. He says that it may even need to “approach near zero!” Remember Bill Gates Ted Talk, where he said that if we do well with the mRNA vaccinations we can depopulate the entire world by 10-15%. They are on their way. — Theo Fleury (@TheoFleury14) November 29, 2022 Don’t believe me? Just listen for yourself: Bill Gates, 2010: “If we do a really good job with new vaccines, health care and reproductive health services, we can lower that [global population] by 10-15%” pic.twitter.com/WjNudyt0K1 — Robin Monotti (@robinmonotti) January 28, 2023 Bill Gates,2010:”If we do a really good job with new vaccines,health care and reproductive health services, we can lower that[world population]by 10-15%” Incredible how people make up excuses for this,denying Bill Gates ever said it pic.twitter.com/LSJaTCLVyd — Sophia Dahl (@sophiadahl1) April 15, 2023 Sounds pretty clear to me, what do you think? Ok, here’s one more: Bill Gates, 2010: “If we do a really good job with new vaccines, health care and reproductive health services, we can lower that [world population] by 10-15%” Incredible how people make up excuses for this, deny Bill Gates ever said this, call up “fact checkers” denying this,… pic.twitter.com/Lrv0d4jS3N — Diane (@snarky555) April 8, 2023 To be fair, let’s give the other end of the spectrum…. Dylan Nolan, a young man, thinks that he “misspoke”: With all respect to young Dylan I think you are a little young and naive, sir. pic.twitter.com/Lrv0d4jS3N — Diane (@snarky555) April 8, 2023 To be fair, let’s give the other end of the spectrum…. You’re entitled to your opinion! Backup here from Bitchute: [iframe src=”https://www.bitchute.com/embed/cCOlxBfZCN06/” width=”100%” height=”360”] And to those who think Gates just misspoke, here is a compilation of ALL the creepy things he’s said about depopulation: Did he just misspeak? Or does the Bible have it right when it says, “Out of the abundance in the heart, the mouth speaks” You probably know the answer. Guess it’s Working? Bill Gates: If we do a good job with vaccines, reproductive healthcare and other things (sterilize women and abort babies) we can reduce the global population by 15%” pic.twitter.com/PGFlAoceBA — The Humble Genius Pianist (@humbleGenius123) January 5, 2023 Oh, and you might as well make a few billion along the way too, right Bill? Why not? Bill Gates Admits to GROSS Vaccineprofit This is tone deaf even for Bill Gates. Some of you have called him “Kill Gates”. He seems hell-bent to kill humanity. Even for him, it’s pretty crazy. We found a video of Bill Gates boasting about his 20-to-1 return on vaccines. Bill, I didn’t realize you could profit from saving lives! Congratulations! I mean, enjoy Hell, but congrats! Bill Gates boasted on national television of the huge return on vaccine investment. pic.twitter.com/xk9qguvoic — Canadian Refusenik (@cdnrefusenik) February 2, 2023 And here: Bill Gates has been the devils intern for many years. pic.twitter.com/yKYrWxZXVg — Establishment Eradicator (@wheresourLOGIC) March 23, 2023 Now those clips of Gates talking felt edited to me so I searched for the original interview…and I found it! The clips WERE edited but only for time and not for content. The clips are 100% accurate. Here’s the thing… The clips were made in 2019, a full year before COVID was released. Gates is one of the wealthiest people in the world but he’s not the smartest. He probably didn’t think it was a bad thing to boast about the insane profits made on vaccines. To be honest, it was a bad idea to admit this even in 2019, but after COVID, what’s the difference? It’s a bad blow. Here is an alternative version of the CNBC video in case they remove it once they realize what a bad look it is. Bill Gates admits that he made “over a twenty-to-one” return on vaccines. pic.twitter.com/Ra4uHZ1WKR — DailyNoah.com (@DailyNoahNews) March 25, 2023 And a backup on Rumble for safe-keeping: Oh, and here he is talking about how they really goofed up on COVID… How it wasn’t nearly as dangerous as they thought. You mean what WE TOLD you from Day 1? Really? Bill Gates said right here that the Vaccine was more dangerous than Covid. pic.twitter.com/IjSPy4KE3b — Johnny Midnight (@its_The_Dr) March 23, 2023 I also want to ask why he’s speaking like he’s in charge of running the world. Who appointed him World Ruler? Why would he be involved in a (supposed) public health crisis. He’s not a physician… Not a researcher… Not really a computer expert… He’s a dork. Have you seen this video about Bill Gates? Bill Gates’ next “venture”, DFID and Bill Gates working to put the poison vaxx in cattle! Want some mRNA steaks? Do you want your steak well-done? Medium? Medium rare? I like my steak medium-rare at a good steakhouse. But at other restaurants, you should order it rare because they overcook the meat. This is your pro-tip for the day. No matter what you decide, it will also come with the mRNA poison vaccine! What a wonderful idea! It won’t even matter because they will all be gone soon if they don’t manage to inject them with mRNA. Have you seen this video? Number of Beef Cows in the U.S. Drops to the Lowest Level Since 1962 — Food Crisis intensifies **BUT KEEP READY, I HAVE A SOLUTION DOWN ABOVE** And who are we to thank? Bill Gates, of course! Some of you have nicknamed him “Kill Gates”, in homage to his tendency to bring death and destruction everywhere he goes. Ask all the African children that he stabbed. But I digress. That’s another story. Today, I want you see how proud he is to announce his new partnership with DFID. They will jab our cattle with the toxin mRNA Vaxx. Because: “science”. Duh! Watch: Bill Gates explains his partnership with DFID to inject the JAB in our food supply. Injecting the cows! #Evil #Poison #Jab #Vaxx #Cattle pic.twitter.com/VA9swgMR2p — DailyNoah.com (@DailyNoahNews) February 25, 2023 More here: Bill Gates: “Well, ‘The Gates Foundation’ has partnered with DFID on a great number of things – and among those are the work we do together on livestock. Helping animals to survive by having vaccines or improved genetics.” (Part 3/4) pic.twitter.com/auCTgwObGv — Mad Mac (@Revelation2041) January 12, 2023 And longer video here: Look, I don’t know about you but I don’t want mRNA in my meat. I want to eat beautiful, big Black Angus RED MEATS the way God created them! You know everything you need to about them by the fact that they are trying to poison meat. Meat is very healthy. Meat without antibiotics, growth hormones, chemicals ….and certainly without mRNA is the best! But because of “Kill Gates”, his friends Klaus (Anal), Schwab and others, this kind of unadulterated beef is becoming more and more difficult to find. Why do the large companies feed the cattle all this garbage? Bill Gates, in my opinion, truly believes that a depopulation program is his goal. For the rest? It’s business, baby! Big business! Toxic Big Business These large companies raise cattle in stalls without any space between them. The result? If one cow is sick, then they are all sick! To keep the operation running, they are constantly pumped with hormones and antibiotics ….and guess what goes into your system when you eat them. Guess what your children eat? Have you ever wondered why children are reaching puberty earlier and earlier? Could it be because they eat meat that is pumped full of cow steroid? Enough about the problem …. I never leave you with a problem. You better believe I have the solution! I’d love to introduce you Black Angus, pasture-raised on hundreds of thousands acres. The cattle are allowed to roam freely with plenty of space between them. Grass-fed. No hormones or antibiotics. Never! Oh, and it is cheaper than Omaha Steaks. BOOM, who’s your baby? The only “catch?” Only invitees are allowed. It’s a good thing you know someone who has the invites ….(me. If you’d like to find out more and get a FREE personal invite, just go here and tell them Noah sent you: http://bit.ly/3E5K89d It’s the real deal, and because they don’t raise the Black Angus like the big companies do, they may have the SHUT OFF invites if they grow too fast. If you’re interested, please let me know as soon as possible. This is all part of a bigger project I’ve started. Let me tell you more… When I launched this website in 2015, I did so because I had a mission. I wanted to spread the truth to as many people possible. The truth that was not being covered anywhere else. I started out with literally zero. Zero experience… Zero money… Zero backers… Zero readers… Zero readers… We’ve built an enormous community of people who love America, and want to make our country great again. We have between 4 and 6 Million readers each month! We’re growing quickly again. The MISSION is growing, and that’s important! We’ve also had to face major opposition. It hasn’t always been easy. After 1.5 million people had liked and followed our page, we were DELETED! Just poof ….one night, gone! We’ve had our emails censored, sent to Junk, or “disappeared”, despite the fact that people signed up repeatedly. We’ve been banned by two email providers because we went far-left. It hasn’t been easy… We’re on MISSION, and the mission always wins in the end. Today I want to tell about an expansion of this mission. Since Day 1, we have been committed to spreading the truth to as many people possible. After being deleted, blocked and censored almost everywhere, I quickly realized that we need a Parallel Economy. We must stop sending our money to corporations that hate us, and want us to disappear! Remember the Georgia Guidestones? They literally said they wanted to reduce the Earth’s population from 8 billion to 500 million. No big deal, right? It’s just the elimination of 94% all people who are alive today. We continue to shop in their large stores and send our money to them because we have had little choice. Today, that all changes. Today my mission EXPANDS… I am SO excited! Let me introduce you to a solution. It’s time to make the switch and change where you spend your money each month. What if I said that instead of sending your money each month to Jeff Bezos, Costco, and Walmart, you should shop at the last pro-America, pro-freedom, American designer and manufacturer of all the things you buy? What if I told that the products were BETTER, and often cheaper? Yes, it’s true. What if I told that this is the best-kept secret you have never heard before and that this company has done this for 37 years? Their founder was placed on Barack Hussein Obama’s list of America’s Top 10 Most “Dangerous Conservatives”. One day I hope to compile my own list! All of this is real, and I am so excited to share it with you and I hope that you will join me on the MISSION. Here’s a brief summary of the company with which I am so excited to be partnered on this mission. Does this sound good to anyone else as well? I agree! You’ve never heard about them because they’re invite-only. You can’t sign up, but I can get you into the group. They’re happy to turn away the Far-Left Libs and only accept people who share the same mission. It’s worked for 37 years. Did I mention that the products are nontoxic and do not contain all the chemicals like Red Dye 40, which all the Big Corporations use to weaken you and make you weaker? To wear you out? To make you – and your family – sick? Then, when you fall ill, you’ll buy the drugs! Sorry, but I don’t and neither does my entire family play this game. What if we told you that the last all-natural, grass-fed, no hormones, massive beef ranch in the United States …. was located there? We’re talking Fluoride Free Toothpaste, chemical free cleaners, Deet-free mosquito repellant! What novel concepts! Stop sending your money to these 11 corporations who do not have your best interests at heart. It is an ILLUSION. There is only one pro-American company that is American made, manufactured, chemical free and hormone free ….and we are teaming up to FIGHT BACK together! Who’s with us? Watch this:

https://welovetrump.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/02/maketheswitchraw.mp4 As I said, it’s Invite Only and the invite is completely free! In fact, if you’re interested in joining, I have assembled a team that will personally invite you and sign you up ….. The name of the group is “Patriot Switch”, and I believe that it says it all. We don’t have too many strongholds. This is it. I’m in. If you’d like to find out more and get a FREE personal invite, just go here: http://bit.ly/3E5K89d Tell them Noah sent you and I promise you will get a personal call, text or email. Don’t panic when you do. Tell them you’re interested in Black Angus Beef! I know I tend to get concerned when I get messages from numbers I don’t recognize, but if you request a Free Invite (Link here: http://bit.ly/3E5K89d) you WILL have someone from my Inner Circle reach out to you….so be ready! These are amazing people and I know you’ll enjoy the chance to speak with them. They’ll also help you get everything set up. Who’s with you? – Noah p.s. We will go in order of arrival, since everyone gets personal attention. If you’re excited, you should ask for an invite as soon as possible. Otherwise, you may be at the bottom of the list. I have a great staff, but they are limited and will only work on a “first-come-first-served” basis. Request a free Invite here: http://bit.ly/3E5K89d


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I do not even know where to begin with this one.  Just when you think you have seen the worst that humanity has to...

US Politics

“CLINTON LIKES THEM (GIRLS) YOUNG” (It’s about what I was expecting)   YOU CAN DOWNLOAD THE LIST FOR YOURSELF HERE   By Charles Roberson...